
Showing posts from July, 2013

About me & 10 of my friends!

It's as though the dude/girl knew me...  XD About You & 10 Of Your Friends! Created by mirthlessdoll and taken 512 times on Bzoink

My current nails

Good morning everyone first off :3 It's 11:30 and I ate breakfast and am going to shower in awhile. After that I'll most likely close the door of my room, blast music and dance around. ^-^ Mike is off today and I can't wait for him to get on to tell him what Jovana told me. I am so GODDAMN excited but I am scared to get my hopes up too much so, I'm still waiting for 100%, Jovana stepping off the plane. Anyway!   With my thumb! I hate my hands and fingers... they look weird.  I love'em so much! :3 They might look weird for you, that peachy color is a little odd, but I absolutely love them. They are super cute and just so... youthful? Gentle. ^w^ I took another but it was a fail... I tried to take a picture on the sunlight because they say it reflects the true color but no, it just seems yellow... LIKE sunlight. :D But they are seriously so more cute in person like everything else, but I hope you like them! I know I do.

I wouldn't change a thing.

Hello everyone. Just a little update on what's been going on. Nothing much, same old, same old. Speaking of old, not by age, I started talking to Kevin again! :3 That was really awesome! Kevin is my ex for new readers, Onkar you too :D He ordered me to write. He's my ex I've known for two years now and broke up a long long time ago. :) Things are rough to be honest... The past few days If someone reads my you'll get it but things will be alright. I won't let them not be. (: Nothing much other than that, but since I'm at my moms, My sleeping schedule is much better BUT I lost complete apetite. I can't eat AT ALL. Ever but I know I HAVE to. So I will, but for now, I eat on force and even after i start eating, you know that you get sudden cravings for food, I don't. That's pretty much it... Sorry to disappoint, nothing new events or anything but happy now? :D

How to make a relationship last

I can't tell you how to make a relationship last for life or decades because I haven't done that. But If I had to answer that to the best of my abilities right now, I would say, 1. Be with the right person. Someone that you actually like and respect you know, someone you could be close friends with even if you had no romantic or sexual desires whatsoever. To put it bluntly, if tomorrow someone chops your mandrel off, would you still be Interested in your parther? There's your answer. :) 2. Don't take them for granted.  As time goes by it becomes easier and easier to forget what you have, it becomes mundane to you and you shouldn't let it, cause it isn't. 3. Talk about everything. Don't leave stuff unsaid, don't let frustrations build up. In any good relationship you're always on the same team so you have to trust each other, you have to work things out together. Disagreeing over something and fighting over something, while that's n

Religion - Atheism

I got a lot of attacks today from friends because I don't believe in God. It stated from me answering a question on on the topic and I compared God with Santa and the Tooth fairy. If you want to read, read till the end. If you any comments, corrections, put them down bellow. (Dean's line :D)  Why I don't believe in God is very simple, none of what priests or our religion believers say makes sense. I don't understand how someone can so blindly trust and believe that somebody out there that he has never seen before is real and is leading them to a good and true road in life. I don't understand how people have confidence that someone out there high up in the skies or wherever is listening to them, yet they never saw him, heard him or have any sort of proof he exists except that they WANT to believe he does.  Even if you do pray for something to work out, it doesn't necessarily mean God did you a favor. Karma is a powerful thing and is proven, or in

I won't let you go.

My DEAREST best friend told me I HAVE TO KNOW THIS FOREVER, from her. <3 OF COURSE EVERY SINGLE BIT GOES FOR HER TOO . <3  When you're falling , you're crashing , when your fire has turned to ashes . When you're screaming , your heart is bleeding , when you're feeling like there's no reason I won't let you go. No, I won't let you go. 'Cause when you're all alone and it's cold and there's no one to hold , when you're feeling lost and there's nowhere, there's nowhere to go. When you're feeling sad don't forget you can reach for my hand.  When you're feeling down just remember I won't let you go. I won't let you go . When you're torn down , when you're messed up , don't you give in. No , don't you give up.  When you're drowning and you're fading , always know that I'm always waiting. And I won't let you go. No, I won't let you go .  'Cause

PewDiePie ♡

I am so freaking happy and excited! :3 To you it might be nothing but the name in the title... OF COURSE YOU KNOW HIM! There's 10,000,000 of us! Almost 11,000,000 bitches! To be more precise, At the moment, 10,740,186. ;3  Oh my god! I am having such a freaking awesome moment! I am one EXTRA PROUD BRO BITCH.. That's right, imma bro bitch, BITCH! :3 W/eee! :3 Ok, the reason to this is because I wanted to seek thru memories of let's say, Amnesia, Penumbra, Nightmare House from Pewds and oh my god, so many emotions flutted over me, shoved me over, I instantly got happy and full of love. :3 Then I see everywhere... ''Two years ago'' and I'm like...WAT! :D My anniversary was April 4th! :3 Two years ago that day, i stumbled upon my very first PewDiePie video and ever since, I am a bro as I am noow. <3 I remember everything guys... WITHOUT CHEATING... The first video of mine was Penumbra Black Plague, part 7 NEW ZOMBIE... It started... &#

Sleeping problem?

Okay, I'm sort of worried. I hope you read till the end. For the past week and a half I haven't slept for one night. Okay, let's say from the 14th which was, not the previous weekend, the one before that. I started not feeling the need to sleep at all or sleepy. I'll run you through it. I woke up at Monday morning normally, bleh, talked to Marija all day, the night came, time flew by, LITERALLY. Before I knew it was like 3am. I didn't want to sleep, wasn't sleepy at all. I figured it was okay. I stay up till maybe 7am which is Tuesday now. I go to sleep on force for five hours max, wake up like I never slept or even been sleepy. Stay up all day and until Wednesday morning, around 7 again... Then again sleep and again. Only from Friday to Saturday I didn't sleep. I didn't go to sleep so I was awake for two and a half days straight... The last time this happened when I got very ill two times. Once before I met Mike, like four months before that

LIVE: Streaming for: CharityWater

Lets go! Its still going on only the chat isnt working! Come on, let's make Pewds broke :33

Take me!

Take Me! Created by bathed-in-shame and taken 115 times on Bzoink You... love...: Houston, Michael, Kristina, Marija, many people. <3 crave...: For food :( feel...: Eh, more or less. want...: Marija to answer :D miss...: my nails :C dislike...: Lies strongly dislike...: Injustice. must...: Drink coke now. :3 have...: Coke :3 see...: My cat in my lap :3 need...: to eat touch...: The mouse :3 cherish...: Coke <3 watch...: rebelde :3 Mommy says I have good manners.. How are you doing?: Im alright. :) Is the world treating you nicely?: Most of it :D Are you happy that you're living?: Nope. When was the last time you cried?: Yesterday. Did you shed "tears of joy"?: Nope. Hey. Random question. Do you like Matchbook Romance?: Do I like what? That's dandy. Next time I get off topic, you can just hit me. Cool?: Cool ;) Just becasue I'm breathing, it doesn't mean i'm alive I love the smell of ketchup? What's your favorit

5 Biggest Insects in the World

My stomach turned... Seriously.

10 MILLION BROS UNITE! - Charity: Water

Come on guys please! I can't do much from this godforsaken country. -.-'