Take me!

Take Me!
Created by bathed-in-shame and taken 115 times on Bzoink
love...:Houston, Michael, Kristina, Marija, many people. <3
crave...:For food :(
feel...:Eh, more or less.
want...:Marija to answer :D
miss...:my nails :C
strongly dislike...:Injustice.
must...:Drink coke now. :3
have...:Coke :3
see...:My cat in my lap :3
need...:to eat
touch...:The mouse :3
cherish...:Coke <3
watch...:rebelde :3
Mommy says I have good manners..
How are you doing?:Im alright. :)
Is the world treating you nicely?:Most of it :D
Are you happy that you're living?:Nope.
When was the last time you cried?:Yesterday.
Did you shed "tears of joy"?:Nope.
Hey. Random question. Do you like Matchbook Romance?:Do I like what?
That's dandy. Next time I get off topic, you can just hit me. Cool?:Cool ;)
Just becasue I'm breathing, it doesn't mean i'm alive
I love the smell of ketchup? What's your favorite smell?:When a guy wears a perfume, any kind. :3
Do you like answering the telephone?:No.
Do you like talking on the telephone?:Nooo XD
Have you ever cried in your sleep?:I have.
What's it like sitting on a roof?:Relaxing and creepy at times if you're scared.
Do you like your mother?:Sure.
I have a phobia of people...
Who is your role model or someone you look up to?:Im not sure..
Who do you love more than anyone in the world?:...
Outta curiosity..are you gay?:No. :)
Do you spend most of your time alone or with someone?:Alone.
Do you talk a lot?:I can. c:
Are you shy?:Yes.
Some peoples find shy-ness cute and somewhat attractive. Do you?:Sometimes :)
Are you scared of confrontation with strangers?:No.
*nods* I see. Are you sociable?:Sometimes, mostly yes
Do you have a sweet and friendly nature?:Of course xD
Is it difficult for you to be mean to others?:Nope.
Nothin's betta than Dr.Pepper::P
Would you kiss an absolute stranger?:No xD
Has anyone ever called you 'baby' ?:Yes. <3
Lame question. Ever held hands w/someone you like?:Yes. :)
Do you hug people a lot?:No xD
Are you an affectionate person?:Yes :)
Do you like getting kisses on the cheek?:I do :3
Would you rather feel sum1 breathing on your neck or in your ear?:Neck... XD
Don't you feel great when someone says you make them feel special?!:Yes :3
Ever tongued someone with a tongue piercing?:Ew!
Would you like to? (for ppl who have..then would you like to do it AGAIN?):I wouldnt!
Have you ever caressed someone's cheek?:I have.
Who makes you feel special and loved?:Eh, no one really.
I can't stop thinking about this one girl. Who's on your mind?:Houston at the moment.
What's your gender, by the way?:female. xD
What's your sexuality?:Straight. :)
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