Religion - Atheism

I got a lot of attacks today from friends because I don't believe in God. It stated from me answering a question on on the topic and I compared God with Santa and the Tooth fairy.
If you want to read, read till the end. If you any comments, corrections, put them down bellow. (Dean's line :D) 

Why I don't believe in God is very simple, none of what priests or our religion believers say makes sense.
I don't understand how someone can so blindly trust and believe that somebody out there that he has never seen before is real and is leading them to a good and true road in life.
I don't understand how people have confidence that someone out there high up in the skies or wherever is listening to them, yet they never saw him, heard him or have any sort of proof he exists except that they WANT to believe he does. 

Even if you do pray for something to work out, it doesn't necessarily mean God did you a favor.
Karma is a powerful thing and is proven, or in any case a fact that how and what you or someone else do and does is what you or they get.
If someone has done you wrong and  you pray for everything to sort out, you think God
did you a favor but actually, Life has a funny way or working itself out.
Nothing in your life, not one happening, event, problem, happy moment is for any others credit but yourself.

 I have heard nonsense that a girl wouldn't leave her house without a chaplet because she feels something bad will happen to her. Wearing a chaplet around your wrists does not mean you are saved from something bad happening the minute you step outside of your door.

How I compare God with the Tooth fairy? Like this;

When you were little, the tooth fairy was famous for leaving you a coin everytime you would place your fallen tooth beneath your pillow.
Even if the Tooth fairy didn't show up and you found your tooth still in the morning, the tooth can be two inches away from the place you placed it last night but your brain automatically finds a thousand excuses and reasons as to how did the tooth move, BECAUSE you believe. When actually, you just moved in your sleep and moved it.

This means that if you have a problem in your life and you pray, the problem doesn't have to be solved for weeks yet but when it finally does you will find a thousand excuses and reasons as to how God helped you, when actually, things just worked out for the better IN TIME.

If you are against of what I just said, how do you explain lives of people that haven't had help or any sign from God for years and had a shitty and crappy life?
You will see that nothing that you have to say will come to your advantage.
I have a friend who believes his whole life, prays and had a god awful life. But kept praying for GOD to answer, yet he never moved his butt out of the house.
Help never came.
He talked to me, I got him out, he's happy and he said himself how weird it is when life turns around for the better, but not by a non-existent myth. 

Atheists are bad people because they don't believe? 

I watched Dean's video and he said a sentence that amazed me and he was right.
I ALSO got an attack how atheists are idiots and moron's for not believing in something as holy as God. 

 ''Labels don't come in a package with good qualities''. 
What does that mean, it means as I understood, that just by having the label ''Religious'', doesn't mean you're by default or guaranteed to being a better person or wanting good for someone else.

"Being a religious person might tying to be a good person for you. Being atheist might tying to be smart or rational. At any given time there are bound to be religious people out there who are smarter than most atheists, OR atheists who are better people than most religious people."

I rest my case. 


  1. U think too much... i am an atheist and i would say that the so called 'God' is human made... Thts something like a fictional cartoon character... the real power lies in YOU. If u have enough belief and trust on yourself, nothing can stop YOU. Religion is only something that YOU do, having the belief...World's crazy...anyway nicely written! :3

    1. I do think too much... And yes, 'God' is just a consolation for those in need of help or advice, when actually, if you don't do something about it, no one will. :) Thank you! :3


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