Sleeping problem?

Okay, I'm sort of worried. I hope you read till the end.

For the past week and a half I haven't slept for one night.
Okay, let's say from the 14th which was, not the previous weekend, the one before that.
I started not feeling the need to sleep at all or sleepy. I'll run you through it.
I woke up at Monday morning normally, bleh, talked to Marija all day, the night came, time flew by, LITERALLY. Before I knew it was like 3am. I didn't want to sleep, wasn't sleepy at all. I figured it was okay. I stay up till maybe 7am which is Tuesday now.
I go to sleep on force for five hours max, wake up like I never slept or even been sleepy.
Stay up all day and until Wednesday morning, around 7 again... Then again sleep and again.
Only from Friday to Saturday I didn't sleep. I didn't go to sleep so I was awake for two and a half days straight...

The last time this happened when I got very ill two times.
Once before I met Mike, like four months before that and one time last year, around Winter.
It's not anything right? Probably just a phase? I hope so... I don't want to get ill.
I needed to go to the hospital last time to sleep and get fed because with not sleeping and laying around, I forget to eat. Like, literally, forget I need food...

I really don't wanna get ill so im gonna try and sleep on force.
My stomach has been turning a lot, like it's empty all the time. And I need to go to the bathroom a lot more and I don't even eat... but my stomach growls like it's eating me from the inside.
I had a couple of bites like an hour ago. Little cheese, one slice of salami and a cup of yogurt without bread...

I know I may stupid, Like Hello you're not eating, duh! But I ate before the not sleeping came. Not eating was a side-effect of it... What can it be? Unknown stress? I don't know...

I've been up since yesterday afternoon. 


  1. Try eating less. Twice in a day. Breakfast before Sunrise and dinner after Sunset. Give it a try

    1. You mean eat And thank you, I will. I'll see if it's from eating. :)

  2. I've been through this problem in my vacations recently... very same as you mentioned!! but i had to overcome this sleep disorder when my academics started.... And i know why it happened.. i stayed up because i was involved with something else, especially on my laptop.. And now i control that i go early to sleep.. Maybe it could be the same problem for you.. As it said" Early to bed,early to rise...."(you know that)

    1. Hmm.. You might be onto something here!
      I have been pretty occupied with my laptop lately as you were and I have a lot on my mind that keeps my distracted. :D Maybe its that... So only to force myself to get back into my sleeping scheule? Well that might be tough until summer ends since it's the most boring one... I will try! Thank you!

  3. Correct!.Exactly d problem i had.. sleep will come only if you wish to have it.. i have experienced that too... But its hard to get back to old sleeping schedule. Its definitely not your eating habits that is causing it.... but irregular sleeping schedule can cause serious health problems in long run... Make sure you sleep after eating,for your body to digest. I hope u can do it.. Goodluck! :D

    1. Gosh thank you! And yes I have experienced health issues for lack of sleeping, you're right! Thank you :3


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