Vent your exes!

Vent your Exes!
Created by steven619 and taken 206 times on Bzoink
Who was your worst ex?:Worst?.. what the...Pavle.
How long did you last?:7 months.
Who failed the relationship?:Him
How did he/she fail it?:He cheated
Is it forgiveable?:Nope
Why or why not?:'Cause you just don't forgive that
Do you wish you never met them?:Noo..
What would you do if you saw them right now?:I'd say hi xD
Who was your best ex?:Mike
Are you still friends?:Yeah
Why did the relationship fail?:Things fell apart..
Do you blame them?:No..
Who ended the relationship?:Him in a way..
Was the break up hard to accept?:YEAH.
LET 'EM KNOW!!! (What if they said...)
Worst: I love you, and I'm sorry...:I'm sorry, not again, ever...
Best: I love you, and I'm sorry...:...
Worst: Can you find it in your heart to give me another chance?:I'm sorry, but no...
Best: Can you find it in your heart to give me another chance?:He's the one giving me a chance...
Worst: It wasn't my fault, it was yours!:Haha...
Best: It wasn't my fault, it was yours!:.....I know it was.. thanks.
How many times have you been cheated on?:Once or twice.
How many times have you been dumped for a best friend?:Never
How many exes lied to you?:Two of them
What would you have done to change your last failed relationship?:Continue it at the right time, not when I did..
How often do you think about your most recent ex?:Everyday
Do you think he/she still thinks about you?:I think so...
If so, how often?:I don't know...
TRUTH BE TOLD!!! (worst)
Was it their loss, or yours?:His :)
Did you two discuss marriage?:Noo...
Did you two discuss kid names?:Noooooo xD
Did you two have any unfinished plans?:Nope
Any plans between you two you still want to finish?:Nope
When was the last time you talked to him/her?:It's been a few months ;_;
TRUTH BE TOLD!!! (best)
Was it their loss, or yours?:Both..
Did you two discuss marriage?:Yeaah
Did you two discuss kid names?:Yeaah, we had them picked out
Did you two have any unfinished plans?:Yeaah..
Any plans between you two you still want to finish?:Yeaah, I still want to meet him.. one of'em
When was the last time you talked to him/her?:He sent me a message this morning. :3
STIPULATIONS!!! (Forgiveable or not?)
Lying?:Yeah, to a ground line
Flirting with others?:Not really, its just wrong
Having nude photos from a previous relationship/hook up?:I wouldn't 'cause he wouldn't need those..
Telling his/her friend AND ex he/she loves him/her?:No...
Blowing you off for her friends?:It is...duuh
Blowing you off for your friends?:Can't I join?
A week or more of silence?:Depends what happened...
Living the party life?:I don't like that but he can of course.. just not too wild
Promising to call, but never does?:It is but its wrong, I'd get mad
Banning you from your friends?:not
Banning you from drinking?:That's alright
Banning you from smoking (cigs and/or drugs)?:It is
Making up his/her past to look better?:ew no!
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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