Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
Created by tigerfan1205 and taken 214 times on Bzoink
Name 5 people that are very important to you.:Mom, Houston, Michael, Thanasis, Kristina.
Do you like eating chocolate covered cherries or strawberries?:No ;w;
What does your 9th text say in your outbox?:"Oh god..."
Ever had a really scary dream? Tell me about it.:Nothing comes to mind...
Where is the coolest place you've been on vacation?::_;
Would you rather have salad or french fries for a side dish?:French fries :3
Ever been to California? Did you like it?:GOD I WANT TO D:
What's your favorite thing about the town you live in?:._.
Do you like mexican food? What's your favorite dish to eat?:I've never tried :3
Favorite kind of pizza is?:I don't like pizza..
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? If so, how long have you been dating?:I... eh... D:
Any brothers or sisters? Do they make you mad?:Nope :3
Are you nosy?:A lil..
Ever been to a bar? What was it like?:Scary..
Are you old enough to drink?:No.
What's your favorite kind of flower?:Roses.. :3
Would you rather have pasta or chicken?:Pasta!
Have you ever dated someone, but made them not tell anyone about it?:Mmm.. yeah.
What's the meanest thing you have done to a friend?:Betrayed her.
Have you ever kissed anybody with the name starting with a C or R?:mmm no.
Why did you and your last ex break up?:Things fell apart.
Have you ever had a really bad fight with a best friend?:Yeah.
Do you like spaghetti?:Love it! <3>
Which color: orange or red?:RED. :3
Do you know any songs by Katy Perry? Do you like her music?:I do.. It's kay :3
Ever had a near death experience?:Yeah
Which number: 5 or 19?:19 :3
What's your favorite song by Taylor Swift? Why is that your favorite?:.. Ours... It's inspirational :3
Pick one: apples or oranges?:Apples :3
Do you know anybody named George or Bob?:No..
What do you like better, being single or in a relationship? Why is that?:In a relationship. It's less lonely and I hate being alone...
Are you close with your mother?:Yeah!
Have you ever dated someone named Kyle?:No ;w;
If you still go to school, who sits next to you in your fifth period?:Bojana always ;3
Who was the last person to ring your doorbell/knock on your door?:Mom's bf :)
Does anything on you itch right now?:Above my boobs..
If the last person you kissed came to your house now, what would you say?:She's been inside this whole time o.o
If your ex called you crying, what would it most likely be about? :Being lonely, things being really hard on him, him needing comfort. <3 nbsp="">
Who was the best kisser out of all the people you have kissed?:I only kissed one person ;w;
Name everyone you have texted today.:Alex, Mary, Hristina, Mike, Houston.
Who was the last person you spoke to for over 5 minutes over the telephone?:Mom ml.
How many times have you went to the bathroom today?:Once :3
Who do you currently live with?:Dad
What do you like better: sour or sweet candy?:Swet
Have you ever been told that you have an annoying laugh? :Yea! D:
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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