Hey baby, you're a sweet young thing--still tied to Mommy's apron strings.

Hey baby, you're a sweet young thing--still tied to Mommy's apron strings.
Created by yourheaventonight and taken 495 times on Bzoink
How do you feel about Motorhead?:I don't know what that is ;w;
What words or phrases do you tend to overuse the most?:Geeez... :3
Do you celebrate/believe in Valentine's Day?:Not really.
Is there someone on your mind at the moment? :]:Yes!
If you're a tea person, what types/flavors do you like?:Mint tea and Chamomile :3
What makes you squeal like a school girl? :When I think of Houston giving me his hoodie!
Do you tend to hide your feelings from others, or are you more open?:I am open with everything BUT feelings.
Does anyone call you baby? :3:Yes! owo
Is there anything in particular that you're shy about?:Talking... D:
Do you prefer gold or silver jewelry?:Silver!!
What flavor combinations sound most appealing to you?:Hazelnut ice cream and strawberry :3
Are you familiar with the Fail Whale? xD:No w;w;
Classic rock love ballads: totally cheesy or totally awesome?:Awesome!
If I were to offer you some tacos right now, how many would you want?:One, 'cause I'd be trying it for the first time :3
Are you more kinky or conservative? ;D:Kinky ;_;
Aren't white contacts awesome? :D:No...... O.O
Is there someone/something you're trying to avoid right now?:Actually yeah..
Do you own any wall sconces?:Mmm nope.
Isn't it just adorable when the opposite sex gets all embarrassed? :3:Yess!!! :3
Do you tend to follow your head or your heart more?:Heart..
How do you feel about David Bowie?:I feel I have no idea who he is.
When was the last time you had an embarrassing song stuck in your head?:Now ;w;
Do you have feelings for someone right now? :Yes!!
What color is your pillowcase?:Bright green ;3
Pigtails on girls: cute or suggestive?:Pigtails? Nuu ;w;
Aren't women who get lots of plastic surgery positively vomitous? :Positively vomitous hahahah, yeah :D
Who was the last person to make your heart race?:Houston...
Without using a search engine, name a song by Slayer.:Fuck... kngsjkghsw...Angel of death!!I think it's from them...
Isn't pyrotelekinesis AWESOME?! o.e:Who?!
What does your shampoo smell like?:I don't know...XD
Are you familiar with the band Rage?:No ;w;
Chivalry is NOT dead: agree or disagree?:Who?!?!
What's the weirdest way you've ever pulled a muscle?:I've never actually...
Would you consider yourself rebellious?:Nou :3
What's your favorite symbol? (i.e. the pentagram, the cross, etc.):infinity :3
Make a confession here::I confess I really want to take up Houston's offer and make him send me his hoodie.. D:
What methods are most effective for you when you're trying to relax?:Take a walk, definitely. :3
Aren't those loud, obnoxious 'party girls' annoying as fuck? .___.:Yes.
Are you any good at making the infamous puppy face?:Nou ;w;
Would you rather date your opposite, your 'twin', or someone in between?:In between!
Do you have any 'irrational' fears?:I don't think I do...
Do you eat the required amount of fruits and veggies each day?:Nou ;w;
Are you a moaner, a screamer, or totally silent? xD:I wouldn't know. A moaner I guess.. :D
What documentary topics interest you most?:Psychology and sexuality :)
What do you get complimented on most often?:Mmm... My eyes, smile and boobs :3
Is there currently someone you want to get closer to? :Yeah...
Do you take any medications that make you nauseous?:Noppe
Can you chop an onion without crying?:No D:
Do you ever make up your own words? :]:Not really... I steal others D:<
Do you tend to use excessive amounts of emoticons? x]:Not anymore...
Do you have any nicknames that are actually true about you?:Snowflake :3
How long before you're able to 'get used to someone'?:A month or so :3
Chocolate-covered strawberries or chocolate-covered cherries?:Netiher o.e
How many videos do you have favorited on your YouTube account?:400 sharp!
Assuming you have one, that is. o.o
Do you like making homemade nachos? :3:No ;w;
When did you have your last 'facepalm' moment?:Last night!
Has a boyfriend or girlfriend ever nicknamed your, erm, 'privates'? xD:No... actually. o.o
Do you know anyone who has carpal tunnel syndrome?:Not that I know off.
Who would you love to punch in the face right now?:Right now? No one!! :D
Who would you love to hug right now?:My mom, Houston, Mikey!!..Kristina, Alex, Mary! :3
Are you old enough to vote?:I think I am here...
Is it just me, or is the hot dog-eating process reallyyy awkward? o.o:It's just your pervy mind :D
What's the perfect day for you like, weather-wise?:Sunny enough to keep you warm but there's light breezes of wind to just move your hair, but you don't feelthe need tobring a jacket! Or..Spring! <3>
Do you prefer long or short hair on the opposite sex?:Not too long, not too short. :3 Otherwise, however! I like stylish hair like Anthony has! :3
When was the last time you did laundry?:Idk D:
Are you confused about anything at the moment?:Nou :3
What was the last thing you looked up on Google?:What the hell is pyrotelekinesis xD
How often do you worry about what other people think?:Too much.
Everything tastes better covered in cheese: fact or fiction?:Fiction ;)
So I gotta ask: why did you take this survey? o.o:To pass the time :3
^You better answer correctly; I will be looking. ;]
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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