Day Survey

Day Survey
Created by shelbylovestyler and taken 22 times on Bzoink
What day is it today?:It's Friday, the 10th!
What was the first thing you did this morning?:Kissed my pillow. :3
What time was it when you woke up?:Around 11:30. :3
What did you have for breakfast?:I didn't have breakfast
Did you work today?:Nou
What did you have for lunch?:Gonna have lunch nao, sarma!
Who was the first person to talk to you? :Grandma x3
Did you watch any tv?:No!
Did you go to anyones house?:Noou.
Did you go shopping?:Nou
How was the weather?:All grey and incredibly foggy.
What did you have for supper tonight?:Chocolate cake!
Did you do dishes?:Nou;3
Did you vaccum?:No
What color shirt did you wear?:Black ;3
Did your day go by fast or slowly?:Fast!
Did you watch any movies today?:Nou
How many sodas did you drink?:One!
Were you on facebook?:Yeah, checked
If so, was it for more than an hour?:No
Did you laugh at all today?:Today? yeah
Did you kiss anyone?:Nope
When did you take a shower/bath?:Yesterday
When do you plan on going to sleep tonight?:After midnight. ;3
What shoes did you decide to wear today?:I'm not wearing any shoes
Did it snow today?:No!! Thankfully!
Did you play any Xbox games?:Yes!! ;3
Did you watch anything on Netflix?:Noou, I don't watch that
Have you listened to music at all?:Ofc!
Have you taken more than 5 surveys today?:No :) First one!
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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