Assorted #10

Assorted #1o
Created by egooverdose and taken 27 times on Bzoink
x1 Do you judge people by their music taste?:Fuck no! That's bullshit!
x2 Do you think that you have good taste in music?:Yes
x3 Is there something in which you do not have good taste?:By society,in guys o.o
x4 Are you loyal to those that you love?:Yes
x5 Are you wary of people with mental illnesses?:I guess
x6 What fruits would you include in a mixed fruit bowl?:Damn, every fruit I have. It's all good. :3
x7 What is your favorite type of salad? What does it include?:I don't know...I guess any fruit salad!
x8 Is there an activity you do for several hours a day?:Writing
x9 Are you good at making decisions?:Nope, most of the time
x1o Do you ever read your horoscope? Has it ever been "accurate"?:From time to time, when I come across it. Yeah
x11 Are you naturally talented, or do you work at your abilities?:Neither D:
x12 What type of work do you like to do?:Writing, translating...
x13 Are you a very organized person? :Noooope
x14 Which of the 7 Deadly Sins are you least guilty of?:Maybe lust and envy...
x15 What kind of expectations do your parents have for you?:Not very big now
x16 What kind of expectations do you have for yourself?:Not very big now
x17 What does failure feel like to you?:I never fail. :)
x18 Have you ever publically failed at something?:I don't think so..
x19 Have you ever blamed your mistakes on someone else?:Yeah
x2o What color is your favorite flower? :Red or white
x21 What is something that is "going right" in your life?:Nothingreally.. my sleeping schedule? xD
x22 Do you often have a lot on your mind?:Yeah
x23 Do you ever talk to yourself?:Yeah... o///o
x24 What was the last thing you forgot to do?:Buy myself!
x25 Does it bother you when people are not on time?:Not really, i rarely am
x26 Do you call people back when you say you will?:Most of the time
x27 What is one impolite thing that you do?:Not look at people in the eyes when they lecture me? xD
x28 Who does the grocery shopping in your life?:I do...
x29 Do you think you should have been born in another country?:YES!
x3o If so, which country would that be? And why?:America I guess, 'cause I don't belong here.
x31 Do you fit in well with others? Are they older or younger?:I fit mostly with older people.
x32 When did you feel ready to start dating?:Last year
x33 What is one quality about yourself that you find attractive?:My eyes. :3
x34 Is it easy for you to like yourself? Why or why not?:It is sort of.. I feel pretty after a shower and that's really easy. It's something you should do every day,that's what makes people pretty. To be clean. xD I don't need much make up.
x35 Do you try your best?:No o.o
x36 When was the last time you were overly stuffed?:For Christmas :c
x37 When was the last time that you were starving?:NAO.
x38 What are the main colors in your daily diet?:No diet for me
x39 When do you usually wake up?:For the past two weeks, not before noon.
x4o Do you have to clean up after others, ever?:No, just myself and even I don't do that. xD
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