8 opposite sex friends

8 opposite sex friends
Created by lyss013 and taken 79 times on Bzoink
Name 8 members of the Opposite Sex
:1::Mikey ♡
:2::Thanasis ♡
:3::Alex ♡
:4::Houston ♡
:5::Pasi ♡
:6::Matija ♡
:7::David ♡
:8::Luka ♡
What does 1 look like?:He's really handsome :3
Where did you meet 2?:Pewdiepie.de! <3 nbsp="">
What did 3 study/major in while they were in school?:Natural Science and Mathematics major :3
What does 4 look like?:He's a cuttie!
How long have you known 5?:Two years :3
What clique would 6 belong in?:Goth.. ?
Does 7 have any brothers or sisters?:Nope :3
Have you ever met 8's parents?:Nu!
What would happen if 1 kissed you?:I'd kiss him back!
Would you ever date 2?:Maybe..
You hook up with 3. What happens?:We're chill, we become best friends and we have fun!
Would you share a bed with 4?:Sure!
Have you ever hugged 5?:Yeah!!
Would you and 6 make a good couple?:Maaybe..
Would you have sex with 7?:Nu!
Have you ever dated 8?:No!
What does 1 do for a living?:He has a job and saving up for college!
How did you meet 2?:I messaged him because he was sad and that was very brief 'cause he got better quickly but again. :3
Does 3 have any pets?:Noope, 'they have to watch out for the furniture' - GAY! <3 nbsp="">
What's 4's favorite color?:I have no idea ;w;
What kind of books does 5 like to read?:Idk ;w;
If you had a 24 hr TV marathon with 6, what would you watch?:Two and a half men!
Has 7 ever dated any of your friends?:Nu!
Do you consider 8 to be a good friend?:Nu ;w;
Would you want to have sex with 1?:Suure!
What's the most attractive thing about 2?:His freaking hair and like, his mouth expression o.o
Would you date 3?:I don't knoow.
If you were trapped in a room for 24 hours with 4, would you survive?:Yeah! We'd make-out.. o>o
Does 5 find you attractive?:I think he does xD
You wake up naked in bed with 6. How do you react?:What the fuck! Who put drugs in our drinks!
What was 7's last/current relationship like?:Idk!
8 confesses they have feelings about you. How do you react?:OMG REALLY?!
What is the one thing that 1 can't live without?:Mee.. Duuh ;3
What does 2 do in their spare time?:Game! 100% game!
Does 3 drink?:Nu!
What kinds of hobbies does 4 have?:Hobbies? Guitar I guess :3
What does 5 look like?:He's a cute little puppy! ;3
Do you talk to 6 a lot?:Sort of
How did you meet 7?:In school, we just randomly started talking :3
Tell me what 8 looks like. :HE'S BEAUTIFUL.
What was 1's last/current relationship like?:...
Have you ever had feelings with 2?:How can you have feelings WITH someone? Yeah I had feelings for him xD
Can you have a platonic relationship with 3?:Probably :D
Would you kiss 4?:Yeah!
You and 5 just had sex. How do you react?:What the hell..How..When...who drugged!
Has 6 ever seen you naked?:NO!
Would you skinny dip with 7?:No xD
What would happen if 8 kissed you?:Id be fucking surprised
What does 1 like to do when they have free time?:Play a few games, talk to me!
Does 2 have any brothers or sisters?:I think so...
What Harry Potter House would 3 be?:Oh god... Hufflepuff! They're nerds :3
What Lord of the Rings Race would 4 be?:Elf!
What D&D race would 5 be?:D&D?
What kingdom in Game of Thrones would 6 belong to?:Idk ;w;
What district in The Hunger Games would 7 belong to?:Idk!
What class would 8 be in Final Fantasy?:Pfft ahhah!
Do you think 1 is attractive?:Yes!
How far have you gone with 2?:Relationship and kissing ;w;
How would you feel is 3 dated any of your friends?:..I'd be cool! I'd bore him more :3
Do you think 4 is well endowed?:Yes!
5 tell you that they want to date you. How do you react?:..Since when? I thought you werent like that.
What would be a turn-off from 6?:If he smoked...
Would a relationship work out between you and 7?:no!
Could you see yourself dating 8?:No... honestly...
Are you and 1 friends?:Yes!
Does 2 have any children?:No!
How old is 3?:Hee's.. 15? o.o
What kind of birthday cake would 4 want?:Idk ;w;
What sorts of movies does 5 like?:Action..?
What kinds of music does 6 like?:Metal. :)
What kinds of books does 7 read?:Pfft he doesn't read.
What does 8 do on a Saturday night?:Idk ;w;
You went to a bar with 1. Does anything happen?:yeah!
Do you ever fantasize about 2?:I have beforee...
How does sex with 3 sound?:O.O WEIRD. Imagine having sex with him when he's so tall.. hahaha 69 for suer! Hahahaha :D
Ever done anything you regretted with 4?:Nope
You're locked in a room for 24 hours with 5. What happens?:We taalk :3
6 sends you a nude picture on your cell phone. How do you react?:What the fuck! Why!
Have you ever sexted with 7?:No!!
Tell me how you really feel about 8. :He's so handsome I can't look away.
Where did 1 go on their last vacation?:Idk ;w;
Spending the weekend with 2. What do you do?:Plaay games, watch movies, talk a lot, he shows me aroound..
If you went out for dinner with 3, where would you go?:McDonalds! :D
How does 5 dress?:Stylish!
How did you meet 6?:We know each other from preschool :3
Where did 7 graduate from?:idk
What does 8 look like?:asked! BEAUTTIFUL.
Have you ever hooked up with 1?:Yeah!
You wake up naked in bed with 2. What happens?:I don't know.. o.o
Does 3 have a crush on you?:Noo, I don't think so.
How many people do you think 4 has had sex with?:No one :3
5 kisses you. How do you react?:Awww :3
You hooked up with 6.How do you react?:..Idk! o.o
You wake up naked in bed with 7. How do you feel?:Eww...
8 kissed you. What do you do?:ASKED.
What color eyes does 1 have?:Dark browwn <3>
Does 2 like roller coasters?:I think so..
What does 3 do when they have free time?:Play games and chats with me :3
Tell me about 4's current/last relationship.::3
Tell me about your relationship with 5. :We're chill friends :3
What kind of pets does 6 have?:A lot of caats ;3
What does 7 look like?:He's not attractive.. xD
Who is 8's best friend?:Idk ;w;
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