Love isn't finding the perfect person, it's about seeing an imperfect person perfectly.

Love isn't finding the perfect person, it's about seeing an imperfect person perfectly.
Created by -neonteardrops and taken 141 times on Bzoink
Hai thur cutiepatootie:3
I'm Andi, what's your name?:Marija. :3
How old are you, child?:Child...? ._. 15.
Do you go to school, college, or what?:Highschool.
Do you live with your parents still?:Yes.
Do you wanna grow up?:No.
Do you smoke?:No!
How about drink?:Nope.
Last time you've been high?:Never. :)
Do ya' have a facebook?:Who doesn't..?
Twitter?:Yah ;3
What kinda music does you listen to?:Little bit of everything :3
Are you cold?:Nope. :3
How about hungry?:Nope.
Do you consider yourself pretty?:Sometimes. x3
Where do you like to shop?:Anywhere. x3
Do you have any siblings?:Noo.
What are you? Only child, youngest, middle, or oldest?:Only child <(^.^)<
Gotchurself any parents?:Huh?
Where do you live? (Country):Serbia. :)
Do you live somewhere where it's hot all year round?:Noo o.o
Favorite t.v. show?:Two and a half men, omg! <3>
Do yunno' who Bloodonthedancefloor is?:Whaaat?!
Are you taking this just 'cause you're bored?:Not really, I just like answering. :3
What grade are you in?:9th.
Do you hate school? or are you a geeek? o.o:You mean nerd* A geek is more of a gamer or somethin' like that. x3 And yes, I hate it!
Where do you think you fall in? (Gangster, emo, nerd, popular, etc.):Emo by personality... Geek by looks. D:
Wait, are you a dude or a girllaaay?:Girllaaay. :D
Do you have anything against gay marriage?:nah. ;3
I hope you have a Facebook 'cause these next questions are ALL about it..
What's your name on Facebook? (Don't answer if you don't wanna, lol.):Marija Stankovic. :D
How many friends do you have on Facebook?:373. :)
Do you even know most of your friends on Facebook?:Yes! For once :D
How many like pages?:... I tried to find it, I don't know. :D
How many friends are online?:33. :)
Do you hate alll of the changes they keep making on the website?:No, I hate any changes on YouTube. -.-
How many family members do you have?:3 :) ... Oh on facebook! 20!
How many profile pictures do you have?:Around 17...
Do you upload photo's from your phone to Facebook?:Yes
Do you do the tag your friends in the picture things?:No. :)
Are you a Facebook Junkie, like me?:Junkie? What's the meaning of that?
How many video's are on your Facebook?:None!
What's your relationship status?:Singl-.. In a relationship. I didn't remove it.
Don't you hate the people who constantly upload pictures of themselves?:No.. I do that sometimes.;w;
Play any games on the website?:Candy crush from time to time. xD
How many people on your block list?:9.
How many brother's do you have?:5.
Father's?:1..? xD
Grandfather's:None o.o
Daughter-In-Law's?:- Sisters? No? xD
Do you have a phone?:Yes. :)
What kind is it?:Samsung.
Touch screen, flip, slide, etc.?:Slide. :3
Have a phone case?:Nope.
What is it? Droid, Htc, etc.?:samsung.
What's your carrier? (Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint, etc.):Huh?
How often do you use your phone?:Everyday. :)
How long until your contract's up?:a year i think..
Do you like your phone?:It's okii :3
Do you use texting or calling more?:Texting. :)
Who's your last missed call from?:MOM.
How many contacts do you have?:52. :)
How many conversations are in your inbox?:None now.
Can you play games on your phone?:I can but i don't.
Who did you last talk to on the phone?:... Mmmm, Mitsumi! :3
Can you text in school without getting caught?:Yeep.
Do you have one of those shield things on the cover?:Nope.
How loud are your speakers? Really loud, loud, quiet, or super quiet?:Loud! :)
Don't you hate forwards?:I guess?
Or do you send them 'cause you're afraid the creepy ones will come true?-.-:huh?
What's your screensaver?:Me. :D
Do you have individual contact images for EVERYONE?:Noo o.o
What''s your ringtone for calls?:I forgot... ;w;
Ringtone for text messages?:^^ ... I usually have it on vibrate. xD
Who can you call that'll pick up no matter w.h.a.t.?:Mom. xD
Are you a text-o-holic?:Naah.
Can you play music on your phone?:Ofc! owo
100th question! did you like this survey or no?:It was oki. :)
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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