I hate South Park!

This may be the longest wait ever...
Created by xxbieberburnham and taken 93 times on Bzoink
This is going to be long. It's going to have 72 questions! Have fun!
Can you play guitar?:No ;(
How do you like your music?:Loud! :3
Do you have a favorite color?:Black and viollet!
Do you know who Selena Gomez is?:Of course!
What song do you currently hear?:Mr. Saxobeat by Alexandra :3
What color is your blood?:... YELLOW.
How many times do you do shuffle on your music player?:Not manyy..
Do any of your Facebook friends do the "That awkward moment" status?:Not anymoree.
Do you get jealous if your crush has a girlfriend or boyfriend?:YES.
Have you ever created your own website?:Nooo ;w;
If you could do a duet with anyone, who would it be?:Idk ;w;
Favorite day of the week?:friday!
Do you hate to say goodbye?:Sometimes.
What do you think of Usher?:He's okii..
What are you most afraid of?:Illness.
Which do you prefer: Jump, walk or skip? :Walk x3
Would you ever try 5 hour energy?:Eh?
How many E's do you have in your full name?:None :D
DVD's or VCR?:DVD!
Do you hate the smell of skunk?:I've never smelt it and I'm not rushing :D
Birthstone?:Blue rocks I think :D
Twilight or Harry Potter?:Harry! :3
One thing that makes me uncomfortable is...:when I'm on my period and I feel like everyone can see thru my pants. o.e
When's the next time you will go to a concert?:Pfft, who knows.
Favorite season?:Spring!
Do you like strawberries dipped in chocolate?:i never tried but probably!
Have you ever had a tire swing?:No o.o
When's the last time you climbed a tree?:Yeaaars passed.
Have you ever been to Mt. Rushmore?:No ;w;
How often do you upload pictures onto Facebook?:Well depends, it happens that two days in a row, a few pictures.
Can you ride your bike without holding on?:I don't know how to ride a bike. D:
Are you a prankster? :Nah :)
Have you ever been to New Jersey?:No ;w;
Do you enjoy carving pumpkins?:No ew! D:
Do you hate when people stare at you?:Depends who ;3
Last time you cried?:It's been a couple of weeks.
What is your background on your phone?:Myself :D
Ever been in love?:Yess.
Birthday?:12th of April.
Do you have a piece of jewelry that you wear everyday? :Yes, my necklace :3
Do you hate or love the cold?:Somewhere in between :3
Do you regret things?:I guess.
Do you know who Hot Chelle Rae is?:No o.o
Favorite breakfast food?:Idk, anything I feel like :D
Do you own an Apple computer?:Noo.
Do you like raspberry tea? :Nooo!
Do you own slippers?:Yes!
Do you have a pet fish?:Noo, cat's would eat it. :D
How often do you wear hats?:Almost never. Last time I wore a hat was summer 2009 :D
Can you dance well? :I can, really, I'm just too shy. :)
Do you like the smell of coconuts?:I've never smelt...
Are you wearing socks?:Yess!
Favorite thing in the night sky?:Stars... <3 nbsp="">
How far away do you live from the guy you like?:7901 km or 4909 miles!! D:
Counting down to anything?:?
Can you braid hair?:No ;w;
What does your shampoo smell like?:lemons :3
What does your body wash smell like?:idkk, something refreshing :3
Are you waiting for any certain call/text?:Naah.
Who is the first contact in your phone under R?:It's a last name, Milos :3
How high can you count up to in a foreign language?:HIGH...
How many Aaron's do you know?:Only in movies ;w;
Do you watch South Park?:No.. I hate that show!
Did you know: Vanilla is the most popular ice cream flavor?:I love it!! <3>
Do you have a favorite Taylor Swift song?:Maaybe... Mine or Love story! :3
How tall are you?:1.64! ;3
When was the last time you held hands with someone?:Yesterday!
Do you have to wear a belt with your pants? :Naah!
Do you show PDA?:No ;w;
What's the last digit in your phone number?:5! :3
What is your name?:Marija :)
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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