Day 5; A picture of somewhere you've been to.

Okay,this is kind of sad but I've only been to Montenegro, as in outside of Serbia... So I only have those pictures. I always stay in Kumbor, it has the most beautiful beaches and water. Me and mom got freaking LUCKY at 2012 when we headed off there... The water, I'm not joking you guys, it was marvelous.

^^^ This was when you step right out from the door of the house we were staying at. It was small and really sweet. There were lots of spiders in there so mom had a job to do when we first got there. We were there for 7 days but I'm showing you the most exciting parts. :3
It was once a prison, now it's just a tourist attraction obviously.

Can we just get around how beautiful everything is? That mountain ahead, the water itself. :3
Our boat waiting for us. :3

 Right around here, we were in Zanjice. It's also a part of Montenegro but like a smaller town.
The water was really that bright blue color. As long as I know for myself it has been like that. I'm sad I didn't take a picture of a little part, where you can get in, but this part of sea is FILLED with sea urchins... It's the same as hedgehog's, it's the same animal, just different names 'cause these live in sea's.
It's freaking scary 'cause the water is so clear and bright at the same time, you can see every urchin perfectly and if you step your leg in there, it feels like any second you're going to touch it... But no, it's really really deep. 3 years ago we were here and I
was scared to even get in there, but 2012, I got in and managed to duck in... It really is deep but it's fucking freaky!
If you click on the picture below, you can maybe see a few of them but trust me there's more.
I mean guys, look at this. This is really this beautiful. I admit, it's not EVERY year like this. It's always this clear, but we had this luck that everything was perfect, in a package. :3

I don't have much left where we are not in the pictures...  I think the 5th day we were there, we went to Hercegnovi at night, it was a party every night. :3 It's the first time I have ever tried a cocktail. I don't remember what I got really... I got something with only two types of of alcohol. 'Cause I'm actually terrified of it. I didn't drink half of it and I was already scared of myself. xD

This was mine! 
My mom's!
I took the pictures and ahem, if I might say, pro! You can see water drops on mom's cocktail. :3 Her's was better taste to be honest but it had 4 types of alcohol in it and I was like, NUPE.
So yeah... That's it.
I honestly miss it..
But! Next year, if we don't manage for Greece, we're going back!...
I have my finger's crossed for Greece though! :3


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