You taught me everything I know about having a line of retreat open

You taught me everything I know about having a line of retreat open;
Created by hektor and taken 670 times on Bzoink
What is something of which you need more in your life?:Stability
Do you tend to view your existence as more pleasant or unpleasant?:Unpleasant
Is there anything you do which would be considered unhealthy?:Well yea
Would you say that you are an introspective being?:Well not really.
Which aspect of your daily routine takes the most time? What do you do?:Internet... xD
What thoughts do you have regarding the upcoming holiday season?:I want it to come but I'm not too cheerful for it
Do you enjoy buying gifts for others, or could you do without this?:No I like it
What is one thing you are expected to do, if anything?:Understand most of everything someone tells me
How do you tend to view driving? Monotonous or entertaining?:It's necessary sometimes
When was the last time you ate a great deal of food in one sitting?:Christmas...
When was the last time you went without eating for whatever reason?:The past few months
What colors are the most prevalent in your wardrobe?:Black, grey
^ How has this changed from when you were younger, if it has?:It has, my mind got darker.
What is something people tend to assume about you?:That I'm really sweet
What is one awkward idiosyncrasy you have?:A what?
Do you know anyone else with any particularly odd habits? Such as?:Of sneezing on purpose..
Do you enjoy talking about music with others?:Yeah!
What are some of your favorite conversational topics?:Sex, guys, women
When was the last time you pretended to be someone other than yourself?:2011
^ Is acting something you enjoy? Are you convincing?:I am convincing and I do enjoy it, but on stage, not when I'm tricking, but acting.
Are you capable of singing in front of others?:No
When was the last time you could not do something you wanted to do?:NOW.
What are some of your favorite summer-related activities?:Taking walks without a jacket on
Are you generally happier in the summer or the winter?:Summer!
Do you watch any anime? If so, what genre(s) do you appreciate?:I don't :)
Are there any childish things you do? Such as?:Many things but there's too little and spontaneous through my lifestyle, I can't really tell without it being a book.
In what ways are you particularly ~mature~?:I can be.
What is something you do to calm yourself down when you are nervous?:Take a walk
Who was the last person to do something kind for you?:Houston <3 nbsp="">
How inclined are you to help others? Do you do this frequently?:In the past time I haven't, no one really needed it but I always give my all when I do.
What kind of impact does the weather have on your mood?:A big impact actually. I hate winter.
What is one aspect of the future that worries you, if any?:School
Do you prefer to keep a clean workspace, or are you somewhat messy?:Somewhat messy
Do you find it easy or difficult to talk about yourself?:I find it hard in real life
When do you feel most accomplished?:When I help someone by them taking my advice and it turns out right
When was the last time you felt like a failure?:At school
Do you have a tendency to be irrational, or are you more realistic?:Realistic more
When was the last time you had a bit of a meltdown, and what caused it?:Less than a week ago, doesn't matter
What was going on the last time you were in a bed with someone else?:She made me laugh and tried to get me to kiss her
What were you doing the last time you went outside?:I went to buy me coke
What portion of your day is typically spent out-of-doors?:I am almost never out
Do you prefer to be around introverted or extroverted people?:I don't see that
What is a trait of yours that would annoy you if it were in another person?:I tend to push people away and shove myself into my hole when I'm upset.
When was the last time you felt exceptionally relaxed?:Everytime I'm in a call
Do you enjoy interesting-sounding words? If so, list some?:No.. o.o
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