She's So Hot... BOOM!

She's So Hot...BOOM!
Created by daizy62 and taken 93 times on Bzoink
What are your initials?:M.S
What does that middle initial stand for?:I don't have a middle name :)
When did you wake up today?:Around 12
What are you wearing at the moment?:Pants, shirt, sweater.
What time will it be in 3 hours?:15:14 :)
What day will it be 3 days from now?:Wednesday :3
What month will it be 3 months from now?:March <3 nbsp="">
What year will it be 3 years from now?:2016 :3
What do you have set as your computer wallpaper?:A majestic anime picture :3
What was the last song you listened to?:Give your heart a break by Nightcore :3
Find the nearest spare change, what year is one of the quarters?:I cannt
Were you born in the 80's?:Fuck no :D
How long was your last phone call?:A minute and 28 seconds :3
Who were the last three people to call you?:Milica, mom and Lidija :)
How do you know those three people?:School, she's my mom and highschool :)
When did you last see those three people?:It's been months for Milica, I'm seeing mom right now and two days ago :)
Can you read music?:I guess? xD
How do you feel about people who smoke?:They're dumb for starting
Where did you live in 2002?:Where I live now :)
Do you still live there now?:Yeah
Is there a box of tissues in the room with you?:Most likely :)
Do you know any foreign language curse words?:Yah :3
Have you kissed anyone in the last 48 hours?:Mom? xD
Do you expect to kiss that person again in the future?:Yeah.. ._.
Are you still dating the same person you were dating a year ago?:No...
When was the last time you saw your ex?:It's been a few months
Are you wearing make up?:No
How is your hair right now?:Gross
Have you cut your hair in the last month?:Not a month, more ;)
Have you dyed it?:No
What color is your underwear?:Black-pink :D
Are your fingernails painted?:No ;w;
If so, what color?:-
What is the name of the street you live on?:I don't give that out.
Do you live on your own?:Noo pft
Do you have a roommate?:No
Or a live-in boyfriend/girlfriend?:Hahah..
What was the last movie you saw in theaters?:Theather? Harry Potter most likely :3
Who did you see it with?:Mom :)
How was it?:Awesome! :3
When was the last time you stayed out all night?:Out? Foor NewYears, 2012-2013!. :)
How was your first kiss?:It was sweet! :3
Do you still talk to the person you shared it with?:No ;w;
Who did you share it with?:With my first bf, Pavle :3
Are you under the influence of anything right now?:Medications.. -.-
Have you used a microwave today?:No, last night ;)
What is the nearest holiday to today?:Catholics Christmas :)
Is your #1 an athiest?:Yeah
Does your #2 have blonde hair?:Noo x3
Do you live within 20 minutes of your #3?:Yes!
Is your #4 over 18?:Noo x3
Is your #1 dating anyone?:No!
When did you last see your #2?:Last niight :3
How did you meet your #3?:In school :3
Is your #4 male or female?:Male!
Are you taller than your parents?:No :c
Does anyone know your myspace/facebook password?:Mike does ;3
Do you have plans tonight?:Not really
What do you have to do tomorrow?:Get up and go to school
What was the cause of you last run in with the cops?:I was never arrested.
When was the last time you were in a hospital?:Like, a year maybe
Who is your 23rd phone contact?:Ksenija from class :)
How do you know them?:Through school
Do you prefer your tea sweet or unsweet?:Sweet xD
Have you ever bought helium balloons just to make funny voices with them?:No o.o
Does your shirt say anything on it?:"The new year apple" xD
What was the last thing you watched on tv?:LOTR! <3>
What is your worst scar from?:A knife
If you died, would you rather be buried or cremated?:Buried
Is anyone thinking of you right now?:I don't think so
Have you seen a rainbow this year?:No
Could you be roommates with the last person to text you?:Yeah
Is there a lock on the door to the room you're in?:No :)
Have you got any tattoos or piercings?:No
What are you doing after this?:Doing another one xD
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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