Top 5 guy friends

*Top 5 guy friends*
Created by hanikamiya411 and taken 1129 times on Bzoink
name them
2:Thanasis ♡
whatever about them
how long have you known 1?:A year exactly :3
2?:Two years and 4 months!
3?:3 months!
4?:8 years o.o
5?:A year and 7 months.
are any of them married?:No!
who do u talk to most?:Houston and Alex!
the least?:Michael
what do u like about #5?:He's incredibly sweet..
hobbies for #3?:Games, movies, music, basketball and writing..
Do u like sushi?:No ;w;
When did you meet #3?:3 months ago, originally over Skype. :3
When did you meet #4?:8 years ago o.o
How?:In school.
are any of them new??:Nope :3
are any of them family members?:No!
Can #1 speak a another language?:Yeah!
when's the last time you hung out with #1:Now.
3?:A month ago, but that will change tomorrow!
4?:Pfft ;w;
5?:It's been months...
is #1 taller than you?:Yeah!
is #2 cool?:Yeaah.
do you have more guy friends or girl friends?:Girl..
do u go to school with any of them???:Mm nope.
are you close with all of them??:Sort of :3
which of the 5 have you seen last?:Umm..Houston!
did #4 do something funny today that made you like...LMAO???:Nu ;w;
are they weird?:YEAH.
What would you have done if one of them went gay??:Depends which one.. #1, WHAT?!, #2, Oh.. Okay ;w;, #3 Really..? Why didnt you tell me? #4 I knew you look too good to be true... #5 WHAT THE FUCK, SINCE WHEN?!
are they embarressing to be around with?:Noope
do they know eachother?:Thanasis and Mike know each other :3
are you close to closer than friends?:To some I was, to some I am, to some Iwas never.
what's the best thing about these 5 guys?:They were there for me anytime I needed them <3>
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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