Days go by and still I think of you

Days Go By and Still I Think of You
Created by daizy62 and taken 535 times on Bzoink
What were you doing an hour ago?:Talking to Thanasis I think and listening to music :3
When did you get up today?:Aroound, 11 I think
Is there anyone that could make your day if they showed up at your house?:Yeah!
Do you live west of Ohio?:Goooood... no :c
Do you live east of Colorado?:No :c
Does your middle name begin with a A, M, or S?:I don't have a middle name
How old was the last person you rode in a car with?:Around 45..
What color was the last vehicle you were in?:Black i think
Do you have big plans for the weekend?:Not really
How many of your top friends have tattoos?:None
How long have you lived at your current residence?:16 years :3
How long has your ex been your ex?:7 months..?
When was the last time you were up at 5am?:Tonight most likely
Have you ever kissed your #4?:Idk
What was the last movie you saw in theaters and who did you go with?:With Kristina and Milica most likely, i don't remember
When was the last time you went bowling?:Never D:
How about swimming?:Last summer :3
Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon?:No :c
The Eiffel Tower?:No :c
The Great Wall of China?::C
When you go fishing, do you make someone else get the fish off the hook?:I don't go fishing
How old were you in 1999?:I was 1 :3
How many funerals have you been to this year?:None
When was the last time you spent a night stargazing?:Never ;w;
Are you taller than 5'6"?:No D:
What was the last thing you cooked?:Corn :3
Who were the last three people to call you?:Mom, Milica, mom xD
What were you doing last night at 10pm?:I don't remember, sleeping ;w;
Did you go to daycare when you were little?:Yeah :3
Do you have a favorite pillow you always sleep with?:No o.o
When was the last time you slept in someone else's bed?:Two days ago :3
Are there any candles in the room you're in?:Nuuu
If you turn around, what is behind you?:A closet
Would you dye your hair hot pink for $50?:Not all ofit :D
Have you ever had someone like you that you didn't like back?:Yeah
Do you usually fall for people who also fall for you?:No o.o
Do you know what you'd have been named had you been born the opposite sex?:No ;w;
Do you have any step or half siblings?:No
What is your profile song right now?:Im not sure ;w;
What is your #1's profile song?:;w;
How many people have you kissed in the last 48 hours?:Many..
The last week?:MANY..
The last month?:MANY...
Do you regret any of them?:Some of'em.
What would you do if your #2 showed up on your doorstep this very minute?:Id hug him!
If you switch 'e' with 'a', 'n' with 'c', & 'l' with 'x' what's your name?:Marija ;)
When is the next time you will see your #3?:idk!
Would you ever visit a nude beach?:Visit, not be on :D
When was the last time someone gave you a compliment?:Today :3
Do you take any prescription meds?:No
What happens if you don't take them?:I am the same.
What color is your underwear?:Pink xD
Who was the last person you dreamt about?:I do not remember
Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?:Mm mom bought it for me :3
Where was the last place you spent more than $50?:Idk ;w;
Where is your favorite place to be kissed other than the usual place?:Forehead :3
Do you hate getting hickeys?:I've never had one o.o
Who was the last person to hug you?:Hristina :3
Are there any buttons on the clothes you're wearing?:On my jeans
How about zippers?:Yeah xD
What percent of your day includes music?:Like 45% :3
Have you had any fruit today?:No :c
Who is on your mind right now?:Poroner..
Are your fingernails painted?:No
Do you keep a diary/journal?:No
In how many years will you be thirty?:In 15 xD
Do you set your marshmallows on fire when you roast them?:I hate marshmallows xD
Do you prefer your tea sweetened or unsweetened?:Sweetened :3
Have you ever dated someone who's name began with 'D'?:No cF
Have you ever kissed someone who's name began with 'K'?:Yeah :)
Have you ever hugged someone who's name began with 'E'?:No
What scent is your favorite perfume/cologne?:How can I explain..
Have you showered today?:No ;w;
If you went on a blind date, and it turned out to be your ex, you would?:I'd continue the date..
When was the last time you took a nap?:This morning :3
What are you plans after this?:Another survey!
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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