
My best friend.. I love so very very much. We've gone so apart ever since highschool. I didn't want to believe that we would ever have to be apart like this. She left me a message on twitter and I realized how much I miss her.
She is the one person I feel loves me for me, ME, with everything I am and how I am. I've known her forever, she's always been there, since I still had my baby teeth. Slowly growing apart after school hurt so much, so much I didn't want to admit it, thinking I'd sound pathetic but I just made things worse... She also felt the same, but she never gave up because she cared for me. I should've showed her more love, the love I know she deserves.
She made into a GREAT school and I was SO proud of her for that! She never ever judged me, what kind of a student I am. Her parents didn't like me and told her not to be friends with me anymore and for awhile she listened but at the end she said that it's her choice and if her parents knew how much we get along, they'd stop... Thru the years it faded. I think they got used to it or they realized my bestie isn't a child anymore. I am so freaking proud of her but so scared.

Kristina is very fragile, no matter how strong she comes off, everyone has a weak point and somehow people used to hit every time at that very spot until I said NO. I wanted her to be my best friend, I wanted to show her I am nothing to what everyone represented me as, she gave me that chance even though she always said it was her fault. She did make mistakes but I was so proud to see her admitting it, while others still had a stick up their ass.
She's amazing, but I made her different. Hanging out with her thru her troubles made her stronger because I always understood everything she said and she knew that. I always understand her because I know how she thinks, I gave her real answers and I told her the truth, truths many would be scared to tell, as well as she did to me. I think so, I might be wrong, but i think she changed partially because of me... I was an influence on it. Hanging out with me made her see people differnetly, the world and she had a better understanding of things, but of course, my deary also grew up. She's still a child at heart and that's the most amazing thing.
She's strong, she has her own "ME, MYSELF" voice, she's protective over the ones she loves and when she loves it's serious, but with me, she's a child forever. She loses it with me, makes me do the craziest things and I love that... Even though I fear for my life at times. ;_;
The only thing I find sometimes frustrating but I still understand it, is when she panicks. She panics too hard, too fast and it scares me. When she's scared for something, she over thinks, she frustrates herself and by so, frustrates me because I'm scared of what she will do. Her cries I cannot hear and I start to cry with her when she does. I haven't seen her in a LONG while but hearing her voice, it's the sweetest voice ever.
Her baby voice,OMG! 

I put her through so much. She was ALWAYS THERE, omg, when I think about the past two years...
Pavle, Poroner, Angel, Kevin, Tijana, Jovana, Ljubica, Mike, Emelie... I cannot explain it with words how much I left her messages every single day and she repeated herself every single day, for my sake.
Every single problem, drama again, same problem, same drama over and over and over and over... Me making mistakes.. and oh! ... I made so much mistakes, I betrayed my best friend at that time, she never said one word! Never about anything! Everything I did was to her good 'cause she knew my TRUE feelings, thoughts and my truths and reasons! She knew everything!
She's one of the only persons in this world that makes me feel AWESOME just the way I am! I really feel that to her, I know I'm her best friend, I know she loves me and I really feel to her I really am beautiful, in every way. I must have flaws in her eyes too, something that annoys her about me, a little thing, but she still stands with me! She gave me a gift, a notebook she's been working on for months before proom and she gave it to me like 3 weeks ago, I read it on the way to school, I freakin' cried on the way. Such sweet words and feelings, an AWESOME drawing!  I am thankful for EVERYTHING she did for me!  I hope she sees this sometime...

I hope I NEVER have to dedicate this song to hers and mine friendship... Don't speak... If she ever felt like this, I would really need her NOT to speak. It would hurt too much. 


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