12 friends

12 Friends.
Created by lyss013 and taken 25 times on Bzoink
Name 12 Friebds
Would 1 and 12 make a good couple?:No :)
What about 2 and 10?:Nooo.
Would you date 3?:I would.
Would it work out between you and 11?:I don't think soo..o.o
Would 4 and 5 be a good couple?:No nonono.
What about 7 and 9?:Naah, buds. :D
You and 6?:No, one of my best friends. :D
Could you ever date 8?:Yes,I have.
What does 12 look like?:I cant show but hes handsome. :3
What about 6?:Shes the cuttest. She has a cute nose :3
Where did 3 go to school and what did s/he study?:Idk what its called. D:
How about 4?:Its a greek name, i didnt remeber. xD
Do 8 and 9 know each other?:No, nor will they ever. o.o
Would 10 and 12 make good friends?:Hahahaha sure. :'D
What does 4 want to be when they grow up?:Im not sure...
Does 1 have any brothers or sisters?:Borther :3
How would 5 like their coffee?:She doesnt drink coffee.
You have sex with 6, what happens?:I was madly drunk...We never mention it again. xD
Have you ever gotten drunk with 12? What happened afterwards?:Nope. :3
How did you meet 1 and how long have you been friends?:In pre-school, all our lives
How did you meet 10 and how long have you been friends?:In pre school. :D
What sort of friend is 8?:We don't talk that much, but hes a friend to me. :)
Could you ever have a relationship with 11?:Probablyy.
2 kisses you. What happens?:I kiss him back.
Would you ever skinny dip with 3?:Sure. :D
Has 5 ever seen you naked?:No. :D
You have a one night stand with 10. What happens?:Eww... Idk.. o.o
If you were getting married,would 12 be in your bridal/groom party?:Ofc!
What does 6 look like?:You asked ^^^
Does 7 have any pets?:I think not..
What kinds of books does 8 read?:Ikd :D
3 wants to see a midnight premiere of a movie. What kind of movie is it?:Aaaahhhh... Ironman!...??
You have a 3 day weekend. You go on a trip with 2 and 4. Where do you go?:That would be awkward.. :D
Could be you be locked in a room for 24 hours with 7?:Why not! :D
4 tells you they have feelings about 1? How do you react?:You're gay/bi..? Yes? Sorry... hes not. o.o
6 confesses they have feelings about you? How do you react?:Wow, youre bi?! D:
If 8 was locked in a room with 9 for 24 hours, could they surivive?:Yes but theyd be freaked out. they dont know each other. :)
How did you meet 12?:pre school :3
And what about 4?:Over pewdiepie.de. <3 comment-3--="" nbsp="">
Describe 8 in 8 words.:Handsome, tall, cute, tall, honest, nice, stubborn, flirtatious.
Describe 1 in 1 word. :Bestfriend. :3
Describe 4 in 4 words. :Smart, hot, honest, withdrawn.
Are you attracted to 8?:I guess? :)
Are you attracted to 10?:Hes really handsome and tall but eh ^_^
Is 11 attracted to you?:Nopee
5 wants to go out to dinner with you. What type of food do you get?:Fast food :D
Does 1 have any hidden talents?:Dancingg ;)
What is one thing you HATE about 8?:Unreliable.
And what is one thing that you HATE about 2?:Nothing!
If 4 got married, would you be in their bridal/groom party?:Id want to!
10 and you have a one night stand. Is it awkward the next day?:Yes!
4 orders shots for you. What kind of shots do they get?:He wouldnt o.o
Do 1 and 2 know each other?:Yes :)
7 and 8 want to have a game night with you. What do you play?:They dont like games :D
Is there sexual tension between you and 5?:Fuck no :D
Can 6 cook?:Noo. Clumsyy :D
What does 6 look like?:Askeed ^^^
Describes 6's current/most recent relationship.:Singlee :)
Has 3 ever done any drugs?:nooo.
Would you cuddle with 9?:No.
What Disney Princess is 4 most like?:AHHAHAHAHA... Beauty :33
What My Little Pony would 1 be?:Ikd x3
12 confesses their feelings for you. How do you react?:Wow.. really? .. What happened to Kaca?
What kinds of movies does 11 like?:Since fiction, anything like that.
What kind of music does 5 like?:Serbian rapp o.o
What is your favorite memory with 8?:Our relationship.:)
What about your favorite memory with 12?:Idk :D
What kind of car does 6 drive?:Pffft.
When is 10's birthday, what is their astrological sign,& their birthstone?:Idk, idk, idk D:
What kind of ice cream would 3 order?:I forgotttt D:
Have you ever seen 6 naked?:Yes o/////o
Would you ever have sex with 7?:NO.
Have you ever hugged 3?:I guess??
What does 5 look like?:Shes okii ^^
Do you think 7 is attractive?:Ehm, no ;_;
Can 3 sing?:Oohh yeaah :'D
Is 2 single?:Yeah...
Is 5 single?:Yes.
Would 2 and 5 be a good couple?:NONO.
7 has 24 hours to do whatever they want. What would they do?:Burn the school :D
Where does 4 work?:Highschool student :3
What does 7 do for a living?:Hs student
How did you meet 12 and how long have you been friends?:ASKED.
6 wants to have a 24 hour TV marathon. What do you watch?:Poorn.
What flavor jelly bean would 6 be?:Bittersweet.
Is 2 smart?:Ye very.
What do you and 6 usually talk about?:Sex. o.o
8 kisses you. How do you react?:React? I smile. :)
Does 10 have a sexy body?:Yes actually. owo
You wake up naked in bed with 1. How do you react?:Move over! Youre on my side!
If you had feelings for 2, would you tell him/her?:He knows... <3 td="">
What was 8's last relationship like?:It was good I think, the last one that I know off. He loved her. :)
What X-men would 6 be?:None
What character from Alice in Wonderland would 5 be?:The witch :D
Are you attracted to 11?:Hes hot..
Does 9 have any brothers or sisters?:Yes.
Who is 4's best friend?:Im not suree..
Would you date 2?:YES.
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