
Showing posts from September, 2013

It's just not who I am.

Haha, the ones that used to read my blog and expect my blogposts with joy are probably reading with wide open eyes, considering I write SO MUCH now. It's really not my fault guys. If I had an available laptop and Internet to begin with, I'd have at least 10 blogposts up Today, but I don't. ): Okay, If you are able to read a lot of text and are in the mood for a pretty sad chapter, read till the end. Others won't like this. I want to talk about something…Get it out on the open, you know? It's easier that way. I was thinking a lot today… I've been really horrible lately. To stay away from heart-breaks, let's talk about my life and my own attitude. I hate myself for it, I really do. Recently my dear friend Poroner added me again and believe me, that was the very best highlight of the time. I was so happy and of course, seeing his name makes me feel better. I don't know why he added me all of a sudden and I'm not going to question it. I might not lik

Happy 2nd birthday!

It's my little brother's 2nd birthday! :3 I'm at my aunts and uncle's house and they have a computer and Internet and well, obvious. :) He's the cutest baby I must say! :3 I had real fun and I ate like a pig! My stomach is still bloaded but I cried to be honest for a little while, in the bathroom. I didn't want to ruin their day, it isn't a day about me so it wouldn't be fair. <3 I took a picture of myself with one of his caps or something, a yellow hat. People who work and construc buildings wear only in kid size... x3 How do you like it?! ^_^ I like it... I took lot's of more pictures but it's the only one I can at the moment. My tablet is out of battery and we didn't bring our charger soo, I can't show. I hope you like this one for now though. It's 20:24 and we're soon leaving. Mom and her boyfriend will drop me off to my house and well, I will most likely go to sleep. I return back to no Internet (except sometime

What's been happening?

Here you go all that's been happening and why I am so absent on my twitter, blog in case you cared and wanted to know. It all started from my dad giving me shit about making me use Internet so late at night and I can't say I at ALL regret it now, it was so worth it! BUT, then home construction began. That is, first we wanted to take some HUGE closet or something out of dad's room and that took awhile. From that the walls, then an idea for the bathroom, then re-painting, then the floors and finally, my room. In the mean time, I have been talking to my Hui a lot and to my Mikii! :3 If you don't know who I mean, where have you been?! XD I feel awful for the way I treated Mikii though... I treated him like a door mat the past month and a half and I have no excuse whatsoever. Saying I was just happy and didn't pay attention would be the grossest thing I could say, plus I'd lie. I was just a selfish bitch and didn't see anyone but myself until I felt the same

Start of school once more.

W/eee. My brain is a little brainwashed. New friends, new surroundings, new teachers... It's all weird but eh. I was really lucky though! I have to take a bus to school which isn't a problem at all, but I saw a girl there with a bag waiting also and we got into the same bus. I hoped she's going to my school as well and as we were getting out, SHE asked ME. :3 I love when I don't have to make the first move... We wouldn't have met each other if she didn't. I'm too 'shy' too. So, we met but she was thinking of moving to another school so that sucks but she hasn't yet! I saw her today too and said hi. ^-^ I came in there... the school is falling apart to be honest, I hate the way it looks. It's just bleeh. D: It's old and it's falling apart. The newest thing is the bathroom that is REALLY nice but just across from girl cabins to pee, there are those men fountain thingies on the wall. :'D It's like an all girl-boy bathroom wh