Start of school once more.

My brain is a little brainwashed. New friends, new surroundings, new teachers... It's all weird but eh.
I was really lucky though! I have to take a bus to school which isn't a problem at all, but I saw a girl there with a bag waiting also and we got into the same bus. I hoped she's going to my school as well and as we were getting out, SHE asked ME. :3 I love when I don't have to make the first move... We wouldn't have met each other if she didn't. I'm too 'shy' too.
So, we met but she was thinking of moving to another school so that sucks but she hasn't yet! I saw her today too and said hi. ^-^
I came in there... the school is falling apart to be honest, I hate the way it looks. It's just bleeh. D: It's old and it's falling apart. The newest thing is the bathroom that is REALLY nice but just across from girl cabins to pee, there are those men fountain thingies on the wall. :'D It's like an all girl-boy bathroom which is fucked up! I think guys don't even go in there. Older girls banned'em. :D

So as I walked in the school a girl all of a sudden asked what's my major and she was in the same one or however it's called in English. :3 I met her, Tamara. I met Ksenija, Maja, Andjela, Dimir, Anabela, Bojana, Jelena, many of'em! ^w^ It was nice but they're very strange... from what I saw. I'm not like them and I won't fit in completely. Maja is the most like me, sort of quiet and has another sense of humor, but who knows, it's only the second day! ^^

Teachers are cool except Biology... That ones like, eeeeh, like a lady from London. All she needs is a puppy in her bag and an umbrella. And is it a rule or something that every woman biology teacher has to write a lot and little letters so you can barely see? And not that well too. x(

SO! For now it's cool. We already had math homework but come on, it was four tasks, it was nothing!
My Serbian teacher is ODD... She looks a bit like a man and has a very deep voice but she's cool!
She's a little strict and demands discipline but she likes me I think... Every teacher has got their eye on me but in a good way. I just hope I don't disappoint'em. But I want to work hard!

From Masa, my Junior High teacher, she gave me the insipiration and everything! I feel like I can and I want to. ;3 I love that woman. <3

Anyway!! it was cool... Odd and a little uncomfortable but I have my sister there too. She's a year older than me and I know her friend, Lenka, also another sister will join soon hopefully so it'll be okay. ^w^  Wish me luck!


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