Pewdiepie! /Forum!

Haha, i just remembered the forum! xD How long has it been since i am banned? Two months? Maybe...
I love Pewds! Even though i stopped watching most, i can't keep up with every playthrough he makes, it's too much to keep up with all the parts, but every once in awhile i come back to my sense, and pee my pants!
All that good stuff! :D

Oh man... i love how now i just entered the forum and you can be signed in, but you can't do shit. All it says "Your user account has been banned.". x3 I love how it stands that i have a private message, though i can't open.
Why i love it? Because i remember WHY i was banned. :D That was fuuuuun~! Eh, i don't miss the forums at all. Most of my friends i actually enjoyed talking to were off it before me. I just stayed for the boredom. Besides, i have'em on skype. :3

I still remember some members that used to annoy me... i never started shitstorms, but when i got pissed, i got pissed. x3 I must say it was real fun. Refreshing and finding out that not only me, but my bf and Poroner are banned, well, Thank you mKeRix! :D

Ah.. good times. I just watched Pewd's new "Fridays with Pewdiepie" video and he was opening mail! It was cool, that's my favorite thing besides him dancing! ^w^
OH! I made Mike dance once to him! Oh gooood! :D
Pewdie got a condom once in a package. That was cool!...and weird. :D

I love PewPew! He's so cutee! I love when he wears glasses! I remember~!
The very FIRST video i watched from him...wass...Penumbra:BlackPlague PART 7 NEW ZOMBIE!
I remember! :D I swear...i did NOT look! :3
My ex Pavle is guilty of that.
In fact...imma go catch up to some PewPew actions! See ya! <3


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