Animals / Chinese menu.

I have the desire to talk about them, i love animals. :3

I can't say i love all animals, that would be a lie. I don't, but most of them. I've lived my whole life with cats and i had a white bunny and two parrots. x3
Not all at once of course.
I remember...we had a girl and a boy parrot that loved each other. They were in love and it was so cute, they would feed each other. We had a random cat come in somehow and the girl went out and flew away. I was little so i don't really remember, but this is from my mom.
The cat ate the girl parrot. Kića (male) was so upset...They had little swings in their cage.
His was blue, her was red.. He sat on her swing, calling her for days. It felt like he was crying for help...
My mom and dad bought him a new one, and whenever the girl tried to sit on the red swing, her And Kića would have a fight... He barely ate. :(
He died like that... sitting on her swing. It makes me cry till this day. :(

But my favorite animals are cats... at least some in the cat family...I think I've talked about this.
I hate sharks. They are... just no. I don't like them. Frogs to me are disgusting... Ew.
White bears are wonderful. :3
I remember once... A monkey almost spit on me. ;_; I was walking with my sister through the Zoo, and we were passing monkey cages and we were walking and all of a sudden we see... a pond! of spit!ó_ò
It was gross! But we had a good laugh. :3

Ohoh! Wolves are gorgeous! <3 I love'em! They are so powerful and dangerous! ^.^ All though i wish i could have a pet wolf...but..pretty sure he'd eat me. ;_; I have sweet blood.

MONGOOSE! :3 They are adorable! And weird...
From LionKing! <3
"Quick before the hyena come!" :3.
Uh...anyway. They are so least some types. Some are ugly. x3

These kinds are a bit weird...i mean, they're long, but they have cute heads! ^w^ Those lil eyes...
On the website it says "abnormal" pure white markings on his limbs. I don't understand the "Abnormal" part. Maybe i should keep reading...
Probably because it's rare? The banded mongoose's are usually an overall gray color with distinct dark bands running across it's back. These are more adorable! ^///^

I fell in love with him! ^u^ I'm sorry Mike... i'm really sorry..;_; So sorry... but look at him <3

Anyway...i love them. There are lot's animals...but my favs are cheetah's and panthers. <3 And house cats of course. :)

I don't have kitties at home anymore...:( I had to get rid of them, but...i guess i'll get new ones. :3
I wanna have a lil bunny! <3

Eh...i want all animals with me! :3

I heard that some scientist say, that people who don't love animals, they don't love people. In some people i saw that actually. My grandma is afraid of cats... x3 Even kitties. I don't know how can you be scared of something so pure..:3

I am so scared of them. I have a phobia from them. When i see bigger ones, i just freeze and want to cry. If someone tries to scare me, they don't live very much long after that.
Thank god in Serbia we don't have toxic spiders. We have those "home" spiders. They say that if you have those spiders, you live in a good environment. But they are freaky...they have TINY bodies and long legs...
gah! ;_;

I don't know how Chinese people eat locusts and spiders... jellyfishes!! Omg!
i watched that on Tv! A dude eating a jellyfish tentacle! They say it's like alive... and it can stick to your throat from inside and you can suffocate. It's inverted on a huge stick and you have to swallow it practically, quickly. Ew...;_; I don't know..


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