Hating on celebrities.

Alright, i want to talk on this subject because i recently noticed a lot of people talk about it and i myself have been thinking about it. A person i know has her own blog as well and she posted a blog-entry about hate, on Justin Bieber.
I know that just me saying what i am about to say will not change anything about the whole situation, like what? I'm just one girl out of a thousand haters. I am not a fan, i am not a hater. I don't really follow his work or music, but i do like to hear it sometime and i do respect it when i hear his song play. I don't understand people who are all like "AUUUUGH! LET'S BURN JUSTIN BIEBER!! FAGGOT!", "OH YOU'RE SO GAY! AUGH! GIRLY VOICE!" and so on. Like, what are you doing? What are you going to gain with it? Do those people like, have any idea how that sounds to people like me? It sounds so childish and immature.
I understand that some people don't like his music, the sound of it, the lyrics,whatever, but yeah, you told your opinion, move on. If you hate it so much, why do you waste your time every day, all day, just reading comments on his "Baby" M/V and keep repeating mean stuff? Why? What's the purpose?

What did he do to you? Since guys are more for hating on Justing than girls, what did he do to you? Stole your girlfriend? Your girlfriends mind? I don't get it. Everyone has the right to like what they like.
Hater's can also like rock and metal, witch most do, and Justin's fans can HATE that sort of music. Yes, there are some crazed fans that go spamming all over youtube "JUSTIN'S better!", and yes that is annoying, but why bully him so much?
At least the guy has a life and does something he loves to do, whether you hate on him or not. You don't see him stopping in recording and singing songs do you? Why bother?
He may not have the greatest voice as some artists have, but i am 100% sure, half of his haters can't sing Jingle Bells. I am sorry, but it's the facts. If you get offended by that, that's your choice.

My boyfriend is one of the "haters", and he and me had an argument actually just a few days ago. He pissed me off. AND YES, i know Justin is not the only getting so much hate. There is "1 Direction", (I actually like just one song from them, "what makes you beautiful".), "Aaron Carter", even Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez. I know about them too, and it is unfair to talk just about Justin, but come on dudes, that video is 4 years old, get over it. 


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