
Showing posts from March, 2014

My fellow wolfies!

Okay so it has been a little while ever since I've posted anything and I'm not counting Pewdiepie's charity event, I blogged that directly over YouTube. Quite awhile has happened if you can believe it, in the last 3 weeks that passed. Let's first start off with the second and last semester of this year is coming to an end, slowly, but moving. That scares the shit out of me, the future, anything related. =.= I talked to mom last night about it and cried, I was stressed like hell. Let's sprinkle some cute over that!; I have grown my family! Are you ready? . . . I have a new family of kittens now!That's not news?! . . . You're probably right but it's exciting and cute each time around! I didn't take any pictures of them yet, but hopefully I will soon. They just opened their eyes and I feel filled every time I come home and lay my eyes on them.  We've finally gotten some great, beautiful weather around here. It's really shinning right now a

Save the Children - 25 Million Bros!

The Walking Dead

Guys...GUYS! I am so hooked up on this! I want to say if you haven't watched the show or played the game that you're insane and that I want to kill you, but to be fair - I started watching the show 3 days ago haha. I have watched all of the 4 seasons even though it seems impossible but I don't have a problem starting early in the morning or after school and not sleeping for this. I was so hooked, it is so fucking good! ^_^ I don't recommend this to people who are sensitive or really squeamish to blood and organs and just dead people. I won't spoil it, I will just say, YOU WON'T REGRET IT! Give it a chance, it didn't attract me the first 2 episodes, but after that I think adrenaline didn't stop sprinting through my body. :3 At first, I was so pissed at two characters, Lori and Shane, if you watch you'll know why. Just the sight of Lori pissed me off. -.-' She got okay after the second season for me. Shane got a bit crazy and after his hair

10 Commandments vs 9 Satanic Sins

9 Satanic Sins and 11 rules of earth, definitely.

Re: Atheists don't live in reality

This is just extraordinary. What is? - It is extraordinary how much I agree with Daniel on this topic (Atheism - Religion). But as well how much these people make me want to smack them. That wish is just extraordinary in my mind.

I'm already gone

Has anyone ever felt like they know they're so upset deep down that they just WANT to be angry instead. Just to numb the pain. I'm sounding really really dramatic and it's really not as bad as I make it seem but I am hurt and seriously - The past few WEEKS, I want to be angry and I actually am bitter all the time. I don't think there was a moment between this time that I didn't get angry or annoyed with someone over the smallest thing, especially if it's a facebook message. I've been avoiding even my mom the most 'cause she has the nagging habit and she asks too many questions at once - I BLOW inside when that happens.  It get's me so angry and I just want to tell her Bite Me all the time, but of course I don't. I hate that being angry about everything doesn't help 'cause I'm still not any better. Sad or angry it doesn't mean I'm getting any better. Although Poroner has been a help. It's amazing how with him very littl

Kitten love ♡

Okay, so 3 days ago I was at the store and was just walking around not knowing at all what to do and I saw these adorable mini puzzle's of 54 pieces. They're called Trefl Puzzle and there were all kinds of designs. Mickey Mouse, Winnie The Pooh, Sponge Bob, even Teletubbiesi! I searched and searched and of course I found a puppy and kitty one! They were I think $1 and I could not resist to buy it! I came home and puzzled it right away! It was not as easy as I thought it would be but it's cute  It's still puzzled up on my table, I didn't want to pack it up again so it's just staying. :3 I find it so pretty and I think I'll even frame it! Now, what I found adorable is that while I was puzzling this, I saw this;  This was already when I called out ''Kitty!'' but Marbles was already licking Teeny with his paw around her! It was so freaking cute, Teeny purring like crazy and I love they close their eyes at everything they're doin

Shinning winter

 I mentioned that this winter was the best there could've been for years now and I meant it!   These were taken at my mom's. The first picture is when you step right out on the street, behind me is a gate. I just love when it's winter, I get out and I see bright blue skies and I can walk in my blouse! The other one is on the corner of the street - this is where I go to every time I take walks and just go on from there. The bright white thing is the sun. The only thing that's missing is bright green leaves on that little tree that's peeking in the corner. ^_^