Day 6; Tell us about your pets, the ones you've had and lost

Okay this is really really tough. I've had pets my whole entire life. Literally... Okay, for the most, I can remember before my 5th year, we had two parrots. Their story is actually kind of sad... They were called Кики and Фића. Boyfriend and girlfriend, they adored each other. They had two little adorable swings, his was blue, her's was red. They bathed each other, it was amazing. One day, my mom accidentally left their cage open, but she was new so she didn't know. He stayed in but she flew out and got out... She died.
Фића was devistated. He called for her every single night, all day, he didn't want to eat or drink anything. He never got off her red swing, he never wanted to come out of the cage. We didn't know what to do, I cried almost every day. His cries for her were so heart breaking... We got him a new parrot but they didn't get along. He didn't let her stand on her swing, they fought every single day. We let her go and he died in sorrow... :(
We never had any parrots after that. Maybe a year after that, we got a white bunny. He was a gift sort of. I freaking loved him but that didn't end well... Mom hated him because he ruined everything around the house and pooped EVERYWHERE... I didn't let her keep him in a cage! D: I didn't mind though... But yeah, she took him back. And they fucking tricked me! They purposely sent me to grandma's place so they would take him back without me knowing. They knew I would freak and not let them. I freaking cried when I came back home, I was so angry with mom I didn't talk to her for 3 days. (I am not lying, I don't remember this part, she told many many years after).
After that... When I was 6, for a couple of days I was hearing meowing in the basement. The kitten was crying out for help, so desperately, it broke my heart. I begged mom and dad to go check whats' wrong but they didn't want to. So I went alone. An abandoned kitten was sitting in the middle of the room, crying and meowing... ;_; I felt so freaking bad, I knew she was a wild cat and that she'll probably run away from me. I tried to nicely get near it but it kept stepping backwards. I started fake crying, 'cause I knew baby kittens believe little kids, as well big cats trust little kids. She started walking towards me very slowly. I kept "crying" until she was close enough for me to grab her. I did and I took her upstairs. Mom and dad were amazed I managed to. We found out her jaw was out of place and she could not eat anything firm, only squished and liquid things. We took a plastic syringe and sucked in milk so we (III) can feed her. I gave her my entire bed, I had a blanket pulled out only for her. Oh yeah, It was a girl. She was black and white. She had a black tail and two little black and white spots on her nose. :3 If I find a picture, I'll show you.
We took her in, she was sick but I didn't care. I kissed her, took care of her and she became our pet. She was there for awhile. After maybe like, 6-7 months, my aunt Zorana gave us a white with only a black spot around his ears male cat. They fell in love... Ooooohhh my gaad. I found pictures! Oh my gosh, I am going to explode!!

They were the most beautiful cats I have ever had. I never named them. They grew up together and as soon as my girl got pregnant with another guy... Well, my white boy left. :( But! I did have a completely new family from then on with 5 cats... And eveer since then, I am not joking you guys, cats all the way. From every new family at least one female stays and get's pregnant, makes a new family. And so on and so on. Right now, I have two females that are from the generation, 3 before these... They are sisters but they don't remember each other. They forget very easily and they're still here... They're my ultimate mother's at the moment. I think she's pregnant again... And even now, I have 3 little kitties. Ever since I was 6, CATS FOREVER. <3 p="">


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