Top 8 friends

Top 8 Friends (156Q's)
Created by luvsalexis04 and taken 13827 times on Bzoink
Their Names
(2):Kristina ♡
(3):Maryy ♡
(4):Thanasis ♡
(5):Alex ♡
(6):Pasi ♡
(7):Milorad ♡
(8):Houston ♡
Questions About Them
Who is the most hyper:Kristina!
is the cutest to you:Mmm..Mikey maybe. <3 nbsp="">
has taken a picture with you before:2,3,5,7,8 :D
do you think would end up with 4+ kids:I don't think so :D
Who do you think has made out with more than 21 people :No one...
who did you see last? :Kristina. ♡
who likes to drink coffee? :Mmm.. Milorad... Alex? o.o Idk!
whos the coolest? :Mmm Thanasis B)
whos the craziest? :Kristina! :D
whos the funniest? :Houston, Alex, Mikey. :D
whose the nicest? :Mary, Mikey, Kristinaa.♡
who has the biggest house? :Damn.. I think Kristina :3
who did u meet first? :Milorad, in kindergarten :3
who did u meet last? :Alex actually :3
who have u gotten in the most fights with? :Mikey.. I think...
who havnt u got in a fight with? :Alex, Pasi, Mary. :3
who would u take a bullet for? :Mikey, Kristina.. probably for most of them.
who has been over your house the most? :No one ;w;
whose house have u been over the most? :Mmm Milorad's! :3
who has the best personality?:Tough... They're all great. ♡
why is number 1 on your top 8 number 1? :Because I thought of him first...
why is number 8 on your top 8 number 8? :'Cauuuse save the best for last! XD
why cant number 2 be number 1? :She can but at the moment, I'm craving for Mike. <3>
why cant number 8 be number 1? :I just put'em randomly ;w;
where did u meet most of your top 8? :Through school but I met Alex originally over Skype! xD
Do you know all your top 8 in person? :Mm No :c
Are most of your friends on myspace people you know in person? :I don't use that shit.
would three and four make a good couple? :Noo.. Marija doesn't like people like him :3
is number one your best friend? :One of'em
which person on your top 8 did you see last? :Kristina :3
how do you really feel about number 2? :I love her to death and really miss her :c♡
how long have you known number 8? :9 years! :3♡
does number three live near you? :Yeah actually!
have you dated anyone on your top 8? :Yeaah..
who makes you laugh the most? :Mmm... o.o
which do you have the most inside jokes with? :Kristi- Mikey.. D: ♡
when is number fours birthday? :May13th :3
how old is number 6? :He's 16 :3
do you go to school with all of them? :Noo, neither one of them :c
ever went trick or treating with anyone on your top 8? :No ;c
dressed up in costumes with any of them? :Yes.. when we were kids :3
do you love all of them? :Yes!
slow danced with anyone on your top 8? :Mmm Milorad :$ ♡
would you die for them? :Most of them.
who is number ones best friend? :Me! Duuuh :3
what is number fives favorite color? :Fuuuck.. D: Ill get back to you!
does number two still have teddybears? :Yeeaaaaah ^///////^ ♡
most memorable moment with number four? :Mmm the day we got together I believe ^w^
what is your favorite thing about number seven? :He's a real gentleman, he treats me like a sister :3
have number eight changed your life? :In a way, yeah! :3
what does number two mean to you? :The world. ♡
do you hang out with number six alot? :I wish ;w;
who do you talk to the most? :Maaybe.. Alex and Pasi now.. o.o
would you go on a road trip with number eight? :Yeaaaaah B)
would you ever live with number one? :Yes!
who is the craziest of them all? :Me! :3
which one of them is the sweetest? :Oh man.. Maybe 8 and 1.. owo
ever done something stupid with any of them? :yees :3
would you ever lie to number two? :No.
ever kissed anyone on your top 8? :Yees! :3
what would you do if you lost one of them? :I'd die inside, literally.
do you miss any of them?:I do ;c
Have you ver had acrush on number 8? :Yeaaah ^///^
Is number 2 close to you? :I hope so :c
Have/Would you ever kiss nunber6? :Suure :3
Is number 1 hot? :He's sexy :3
Does number 3 like you? :As a person, yeah x3
Have you ever fought with number 7? :Nope, actually never!
Have you ever gone out with any one on your top 8 list? :Yesss.
Do you know numbr 3's screename? :I forgot.. Too lazy to check skype.
Have you ever ate dinner over number 8's house? :Noo i wish :c
Have you ever done anything sexual with number2? :Yeah............... we were kids! we didn't know what we were doing! D:< !!
Wood you ever do it? :No.. O.O
About number one...
Their name? :Michael ♡
Their age? :He's 19.. ;w;
How long have you known this person? :Two years ♡
Favorite memory? :Our whole entire relationship ♡
Their favorite color? :I didn't check in like a year or so I'll go with red and black ;w;
The best thing about this person? :He never gives up on someone he loves, I love that.
Have you ever kissed this person? :Yes n.n
Why are they your number one? :'Cause.. D:
Do you like this person: :In a way o.o
How often do you talk to this person: :Not very often anymore.. he's busy a lot.
Do you love this person: :I doo. ♡
About number two...
How did you meet? :In school, in first grade :3
What's their name? :Kristina :3♡
What's their age? :Sheee's 15!
Where do they live? :Two streets from my house ;)
Favorite memory? :Too many...♡
Any inside jokes? :Oh yeaaah :D
Do you see this person often? :Not anymore :c
About number three...
Would you do anything sexually with this person? :No.. o.o
Single or taken? :Single ladeeh!
What's their age? :she's 15!
How long have you known this person? :8 years
Favorite memory? :McDonalds and a walk :3
What kind of music does this person like? :Classical... -.-
Do they have any siblings? :Yes!
Would you take this person with you to disney land? :Sure! :3
About number four...
What's their age? :Hes 16 :3
How did you meet? :Thrrough.. where did we meet. Oh!!
What's the best thing about this person? :He's his own person
Favorite memory with this person? :Wheen, his gf at the time showed me screenshots of their sex talk! :D ...No, jkXD Friendship ♡
What kind of tv shows does this person watch? :action..
Is this person a good person? :Yes!
Would you hang out with this person any day? :Yes :3
About number five...
Their age? :Hee's..15? xD
Single or taken? :Single ladeeeh! :D
How well do you know this person? :Not too well :3
When's the last time you saw this person? :mmm.. It's been like 3 weeks D:
What's a obvious thing about this person? :An* Obvious... That he's tall? o.o
How did you meet this person? :Throough #3! Originally over Skype but then us 3 got together! :3
About number six...
Their age? :He's 16!
Where does this person live? :Finland :c
When was the last time you saw this person? :mm Last night!
Favorite memory? :Chats... ;'D
Any inside Jokes? :Not really..
Have you ever had a crush on this person? :Not a crush.. He's always a cuttie.
Would you take a bullet for this person?
What's their favorite thing to do? :Game..
What's the best quality of this person? :Mm he's nice! :3
How did you meet?:Through..!!
About number seven...
Their age? :Mm He's 15 I think O.o
Where does this person live? :Like, a street from me :3
Are you good friends with this person? :Yes!
When's the last time you saw this person? :Mmm.. Like a week or so, it was really sweet!
What do you find cool about this person? :He's so chill and laid back.. I dun give a fuq 'bout 'nythin!
How long have you known this person? :9 yearss ♡
Favorite memory?:Pfft.. Throughout school!
About number eight...
Their age? :He's 18! :3
What's their favorite color? :..Idk ;w;
Where do this person live? :Rockford! Get him out of there!
How long have you known eachother? :..Two years? :3
How did you meet? :Over!
Have you ever been introuble with this person? :Not really..
Any inside jokes? :Yeep :3
Single or taken?:Takeeeennn! :D
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