100 girl confessions

100 Girl Confessions
Created by daizy62 and taken 6823 times on Bzoink
Honestly, what are you thinking about right now?:Houstoon :3
Do you like to get your nails done?:Yes!
What are your thoughts on Valentine's Day?:It's just another day..
Do you remember the last movie you saw while on a date?:I've never been on date..
Do you love the color pink?:Its alright :3
Have you ever cheated on someone?:No.
What color is your favorite bra?:Black ;3
If you took on the surname of the last person you kissed, what would it be?:Mmm..Still Stankovic :D
Do you kiss on the first date?:I would.
Do you like to wear dresses?:No u_u
Are you into sports?:Not really
Do you like any 'manly' activities like hunting, fishing, or camping?:No..
Did you lose your virginity before you were sixteen?:Nope..
If not, are you still a virgin?:Yes. :3
What was the name of your first boyfriend?:Pavle :3
Your first kiss?:Pavle :3
Are you still with either of those people from the last 2 questions?:Nooo, god no.
Have you ever dated anyone on your top friends?:Yes..
How many of your top friends have you kissed?:Mmm..all of'em in a way x3
Have you ever used your bra to hold things like you would a pocket?:Yes.. D:<
Are you a shop-a-holic?:Noo
How many purses do you own?:3..
Describe your favorite pair of shoes::Converse, black, deep :3
Who knows a secret about you that no one else does?:Mmm Mikey...
What is your longest relationship to date?:15 months.. ♥
Who ended the last relationship you were in?:He did I think..
Have you ever gotten back with an ex?:MMm yeah..
Are you bi?:I don't think I am..
Have you ever done something with a friend of the same sex?:Mm kissed..
Who was your first prom date?:Milorad! :3
Have you ever dated someone more than three years older than you?:Yeah ;) ♥
Have you ever dated someone a year younger than you?:No..
Have you ever fallen for a guy friend?:Yes.
Have you ever had a guy friend you weren't into, fall for you?:Yeaah u_u
Do you cry during romantic movies?:Depends how romantic or tragic.
Who was the last person to see you cry?:Houston ALMOST but he made me laugh.. :3 Mom.
Have you ever been used?:I've been told I was, so yeah?
Have you ever felt violated?:Mm yeah..
Do you like when I guy takes you by suprise and kisses you?:Yess! :3
What do you think of red lipstick?:It's not my thing..
Do you ever leave the house without make up?:All the time.
Do you tan?:No
What is your natural hair color?:Brown :3
Is it that right now?:Yes
Have you ever gone for someone despite knowing they were bad for you?:Yeaaah..
Do you prefer guys with dark hair or light hair?:Doesn't matter, as long as not too blonde n.n
Have you kissed anyone who's name started with 'C'?:No..
'D'?:Cheek x3
Would you be more likely to date a redneck or a goth?:Goth :3
A prep or a skater?:Skater!
An athlete or a musician?:Musician...
When was the last time someone gave you flowers?:Proom! <3 nbsp="">
What kind of gift can win you over?:Stuffed animals!!
Has anyone ever sung to you?:Yeaaaah.. Mikey mostly n__n
What was the stupidest thing you've done while drunk?:Never been drunk.
Are diamonds really a girls best friend?:No..
Gold or silver?:Silver!
What is your favorite scent?:Idk ;w;
Do you like massages?:Noo.. they tickle mee.
Have you ever been skinny dipping?:No ;w;
Do you sleep naked?:Noo..
Is smoking a turn-off?:YES.
What is the perfect date?:-.-
Is there a certain tv show you get upset if you miss?:Two and a half men. <3 nbsp="">
What is your favorite movie?:LOTR <3 nbsp="">
When was the last time you spent the night at someone else's house?:Mmm.. I don't remember but I will next Wednesday!
Was that someone of the same or opposite sex?:Same most likely..
What is one food you always crave?:Bacon!
Are you an exercise freak?:Noo o.o
What scares you more, spiders or snakes?:Snakes..
Do you expect to be married in the next two years?:Nooo..
What would you do if you found out you were pregnant?:Sooo now we can get pregnant by masturbating..? I've never had sex.
Was the last person to call you male or female?:Male :3
Does it matter if a guy has a sense of humor?:Yess!!
Do you wish on shooting stars?:No..
What are your thoughts on guys who wear wifebeaters?:It's hot on some...
Who do you vent to when something is bothering you?:Mikey if he's got the time, Houston! and mom.. <3 nbsp="">
What is the best way to cool off when you're mad?:Sleep..
Do you have someone who is protective of you (father, brother, etc.)?:Houston.. :3
Would you ever get implants?:No!
Have you ever had a crush on a sibling's friend?:No..
Have you ever had a crush on a friend's sibling?:Yes ;w;
What is the corniest pick-up line someone's ever used on you?:Idk.. xD
Does it mean more to you if a guy uses the word 'beautiful' about you?:Yees :3
Is your best friend a guy?:Not really..
Are you more of a 'girly girl' or a 'tomboy'?:Tomboy..
Is your hair longer than your shoulders?:Yes! Thankfully :3
Do you prefer showers or baths?:Showerss...
Have you ever dated someone with a child?:Fuck no!
Have you ever dated someone shorter than you?:Yeeaaah :D
Have you ever dated someone of another race?:Race? No o.o
Do you secretly still love to dress up for Halloween?:We don't celebrate that..
Have you kissed anyone today?:Mom :3
Will you kiss anyone tomorrow?:I hope sooo :3
Are you addicted to texting?:Not at all
If you and your best friend got arrested, what would it be for?:Harassing guys.. :3
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