You're everything I want, 'cause you're everything I'm not.

You're everything I want,'cause you're everything I'm not.
Created by -infatuatedgirl and taken 284 times on Bzoink
Hey,what's your name?:Hai, Marija. :3
How old were you when you got your first cellphone?:I think I was 12.. :3
Weren't you just tingling with excitement?:Naah :3
Do you ever read the results of the surveys you make?:Yes. :D
How many belts do you own?:None.. :D
If you had to live with one pair of shoes,what would they be?:Sneakers :3
Do you believe in love at first sight?:Not really..
How about forevers?:Yes.. <3>
What's your comfort food?:Icecream. <3>
What do you use your cellphone for,aside texting and calls?:Listening to Music! <3>
Are there any picture frames in the room you are in?:Not yet. :3
Did you ever ride a limo?:Noo ;w;
Do you use a lot of hair products?:Nah.
Creepiest movie ever?:Oh god... it's on the tip of my tongue..! Where ghosts come after the people in one house 'cause it was built on a graveyard!
Do you ever wonder what your life looks like to someone else's eyes?:Yes..
Have you ever walked into a crowded room and felt so alone?:Yes. :/
What's your current status in facebook/myspace?:Huh?
What was your dream job as a child?:Superman's wife!
Is it still the same?:hahahahh :D
Did you ever stay up all night?:I doo.
Fun,right?:It used to be. :)
Ever took a Bzoinkoid?:Noo..? o.o
Do you like cracking your knuckles?:Finger knuckles yes!
What color's your car?:Ha-ha.
If you don't have one,what color would you like it to be?:Idk.. red? D: BLACK!
Did you ever do something you promised yourself not to?:Not really, I don't promise myself that kind of stuff.
Didn't it feel good?ha.::/
What's the 'craziest' color you dyed your hair?:Never dyed it..
What's your definition of fearless?:Ability to do many things still knowing the damages.
Don't you get a bit happy when you take an ipod shuffle survey and the...:...
song fits perfectly?:I guess..
Do you like paranormal stuff?(shows,movies,books,etc):Not quite.
Do you believe in those?:Idk..
What's the weirdest compliment you ever recieved?:"Your boobs look good enough to milk!" o.e...
Did you even take it as a compliment?:No.. but he said "Good enough'.. so I guess? D:
Do you have a favorite stuff toy?:My lemur!! <3 nbsp="">
What's it's name?:D:I didn't give it one..
What's the most exciting project you were given?:Idk.. :3
Are you familiar with Polyvore?:No o.o
If so,do you have an account?:;w;
Did you accomplish your New Years Resolutions last year?:Hahah, didn't make'em.
I usually forget them by the next week :p
What are you passionate about?:I don't know.. taking out justice?
Without passion we'd truly be dead.Fact or fiction?:Fiction.
Are you guilty of internet slang?:Slang? x3
Do you recognize the lyrics of the title?:No ;w;
Would you rather be hurt physically or emotionally?:Physically.
Were you ever truly and completely happy with yourself?:Noo..
Is your life balanced right now?:No.
Did you ever roll down a ramp or hill?:Yes!! D:
If you can't be with the one you love,will you be with...:...
the one who loves you?:I'm not sure, maybe give a chance..
What's your favorite scent?:I don't know D:
Are/were you forced to believe something you don't?:No!
Are you very dependent on people?:No.
Do you let small things ruin your day?:Usually yes.
Are you a pushover?:No.
Do you over-analyze things?:Yes..!
Did you ever wonder what life would be in a stranded island?:No..
Do you have a good sense of direction?:I'm not sure..
What's your opinion on Kesha?:She has a few cool songs! :3
Are you excited for what the future holds for you?:HELL NO.
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
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