The memories that hang the heaviest are the easiest to recall.

The memories that hang the heaviest are the easiest to recall
Created by dinosauramanda and taken 340 times on Bzoink
Is there someone in your life you know you'd be better without?:No..!!
Have you ever witnessed abuse in your friend's family?:Yes...
Do you ditch school a lot?:Yes...
What do you like about your display picture?:I'm in a caffee..
Do you get critized because of your body?:No, complimented.
How much did you weigh when you were born?:Around 3kg. :3
Did you kiss the last person you called?:No.
When was the last time you danced?:A few days ago.
When was the last time you jumped on a trampoline?:Maybe a year ago...
Do you keep in mind of other people's feelings?:Yes..!
Are any of your friends pregnant?:Hell no.
If you have a hang nail do you pull it or clip it?:Pull it.. o.e.. ow!
Who do you want to forget?:Mike...
Who was the last person to send you a letter?:Ivan.
How much money is in your wallet?:$8
When's the last time you did laundry?:A few days ago.
How far have you gotten with the book you are reading?:I'm not reading anything yet..
Who did you last tell to shut up?:Lidija, today. x3
What's the last thing that you smelt that smelt bad?:My cat's fart..
Who were you with last night?:With dad.
What's your favorite book at the moment?:Dracula!
What's your favorite cereal?:I don't like cereal.
How do you feel when people lead you on, but they don't even like you?:Like a fool because in most cases I still don't wanna let go.
Could you live without sunlight?:No, no one could.
What's something you know is bad but you want to do it anyway?:Get together with someone.
What was the last thing you lied about?:"Nothing, I'm just sleepy".
Who is your number 2 speedial?:No one.
Do you regret anything you've done in the past week?:Yes...
What was the last movie you bought?:I haven't bought a movie in years.
What color is your underwear?:White. xD
What type of underwear are you wearing?:Normal kind.. wut?
What is a sport you would like to do?:Swimming.
When was the last time you felt like crying?:Today.
Have you ever wanted to kill someone?:Yes.. Now.
What was the last song you listened to that wasn't sung in english?:"Da te volim malo je reci".
What did you last draw?:A knife.
What tv show would you like to be on?:Two and a half men. <3 nbsp="">
If you could choose a pokemon, who would you pick?:I don't like pokemons.
Is Chuck Norris really as great as he seems?:I don't give a shit.
What was the last video game you played?:DragonAge.
Have you ever been in a musical?:Noo..
Do you follow your own style or everyone else's?:My own.
What's the last store you bought from?:I don't know the name..
Who is your true best friend?:I don't have one.
Do people use you a lot?:Not that I'm aware off.
What are you doing two days from now?:Going to school and moms.
Are there any teachers at your school that dislike you?:Yes, english teacher.
What turns you on?:Shut up.
Did you ever believe there were monsters in your closet?:Yes.. xD
Do you let random people sign your yearbook?:We don't get year books.
Would you adopt a child that had a mental illness?:No.. I feel so rude when I say that...
Does thinking about death scare you?:Not at all.
If you died, would you go to heaven or hell?:I'd become the grass and birds would nibble on that grass and I'd be in the great circle of life. <3 nbsp="">
Do you lick envelopes or tape them shut?:Lick.
Do you care what people say or think about you?:Sometimes, too much.
Have you ever had surgery?:No.
Have you ever been threatened?:Yes.
Which side of your family do you get most of your qualities from?:Dad's.
What was the last thing you drank?:Coke I believe.
Have you ever kept a relationship a secret?:Yes actually.
How much do you weigh?:55kg. <3 nbsp="" p="">
How much do you want to weigh?:49kg. :D
Who's the last person you called a creeper?:Vlada... -.-'''
What street do you live on?:Ahem.
What is a quote that you love?:;)
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