Scary Natural Phenomena

Dean made a video for 5 scariest natural phenomena and all of them truly are scary and terrifying but two made me shiver.

  • Spider trees! 
Oh my god, this is so disgusting. -.- And it HAPPENED 3 years ago.
Apparently after some flood in 2010 In Pakistan, spiders started massively migrating into trees and encasing entire trees in spider web, containing millions of spiders...
This means that each tree was completely wrapped in webbing... I'll show you.

Imagine standing under that... That's millions of spiders. Million and millions of spiders...spiders in the number million... crawling... Get it? EW...
Dean said it was more of a good thing than bad cause it helped combat malaria but increased the population of UN-NEEDED mosquitoes...
For things like This, I'm glad I'm In Serbia, terrifying-poisonousness-bug/insect free... and floods/volcanoes/tornadoes and all of that city-destroying bullshit.

  • Sink holes. 
This scares me cause, imagine falling into a huge ball of nothingness... I don't remember much for this and I am too lazy to open the video, but I know they are rare. I will show you, but if I remember well, they can be caused by a huge volcano eruption or something...

This was in Guatemala if I am spelling that right... I'm Not... It's Guatemala, not Gatamala. -.- 
Imagine sinking into that... Yah.

And nothing of this is theoretical. All have happened as well as;

Fire Tornadoes, Mega Tsunami's and Super volcanoes. 
Super volcanoes are just crazy...


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