Poor Charlie...

Two and a half men, Episode 24 in Season 3. Read it please... how a brother did something... and it get's so hit on his nose...

Charlie decided to marry Mia and right before the wedding...

Mia: Oh um, can i talk to you for a second?
Charlie: What i say? Am i in trouble already?
Baby i swear to god, i think we are the lucky couple.
Mia: Charlie relax, i just wanna talk to you about our honeymoon.
Charlie: Ooh, i'll take you anywhere you wanna go. Frankly, i'd pick a place with a nice ceeling 'cause we're just going to take turns looking at it. 
Mia: Charlie i would love to honeymoon with you but, i have to work and, well, i think it will be smarter to use the money to redo the house. 
Charlie: Ooh, i get it. You gave up trying to change me so now the house has to suffer? 
Mia: Look, if we're gonna have a family we need to turn the second bedroom into the nersuary. 
Charlie: But thats where Jake stays.
Mia: Yeah but once Alan moves out, Jake won't be staying anymore right?
Charlie: Alan's moving out?
Mia: Of course he is... isn't he? 

--In the mean time--

Kandi: This is so romantic... When i was a little girl i used to love playing bride.
Alan: Yeah, me too....I-i mean i was the groom.. most of the time.
Kandi: You think you'll ever get married again?
Alan: I don't know, i hope so. 
Kandi; You should,' cause you'd make a good husband. 
You're kind, concede rate, dependable and you're cuter than a duck wearing a hat. 


Mia: Oh come on Charlie, we need our privacy. 
Charlie: But they're my family, i can't just kick'em out.
Mia: You could've said something before now..!
Charlie: Who know you're idea of marriage was you and me alone in a house? 
Mia: I don't believe this. As long as i've known you you've been complaining about Alan living with you.
Charlie: And you wanna take that away from me?
Mia: You know what? I thought you were ready to grow up but clearly i was wrong.
Charlie: What's more grown up than wanting to take care of my family?
Now lets not forget, you're the one that came back to me.
Mia: I only came back because i wanted your sperm! 
Charlie: Yeah, well it's package deal. My sperm and my brother go hand in hand. 

--Alan and Kandi--

Alan: Kandi... this so sudden. 
Kandi; I know, but lot's of good things are sudden.
Like sun showers, orgasms. 
Alan: That's two things.
Kandi: Multiple orgasms...
That's five. 
Charlie: Alright, deals off. Let's get the hell out of here. 
Alan: Hang on! Are you really serious about this?
Kandi: You love me, i love you, the sex is great!
Alan: The sex is unbelievable. 
...Wait, what did you say?
Charlie: I said, the weddings off. 
Alan: Oh my god Charlie, what happened? 
Charlie:..It doesn't matter!
What's important i avoided making a huge mistake! 
Alan; Charlie i am so sorry...
Charlie: Ah Thanks... Now let's head for a strip joint, get drunk and let the healing begin.
Alan: Yeah, b-but before we do that, i was wondering. Could i ask you for a little favor? 
Charlie: Yeah?
Alan: Can i borrow your wedding ring?
Charlie: What for?
Alan: Well i thought as long as we're in Vegas... i'd marry Kandi! 
Charlie: ....Are you insane?! 
Alan; Oh come on, you won't be using it.
Charlie: I don't freaking believe it... 
Alan: cheer up Charlie... You're finally getting what you've always wanted. I'm moving out of your house
Charlie:...I don't freakin' believe it.... 

Poor Charlie...


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