
He's on my mind right nao. I don't know why, so don't ask yourself. :D He just is.
I used to have his pictures on my phone.... Do i still?... -checks-...
I had one. owo I can't show, I don't invade privacy. :) ... Wait a minute, why wouldn't i? Oh yeah, I'm not that low. :P I'll keep it that way. :)
I had the strange urge to look at it last night. I'm over him and i smile so much when i think about what he put me through, it doesn't hurt one bit. You could start repeating every single word he ever told me, all the lies, all the scams but, Nah, it's just Kevs. :D 
Have you ever, accepted someone for who they are? 
You don't really like who they are or what they do, and it's not someone you could be with but you still accept them as they are? Does that make sense? :) 
In my head it does.

He was gorgeous, i hope he still is. owo ... He seemed tall, very tall... I can't really say much about his looks, or i can but i don't want to, i just know i mostly liked his smile. 
People tell me; "You're smiling when you talk about him, when you go down memory lane, when you describe him, when you tell what he did even if it's horrible, what's wrong with you? I don't believe you're over him 100%". 
IN A WAY, they're right. 

I promised myself i'll always love him and even though i can't really keep that promise to the fullest, i'll never need a reason to talk to him or even see him. (I'm saying all of this regardless of what he thinks. He's left to think whatever he wants.) 

I am over what he did, it doesn't hurt, he can't hurt me no more, but saying that if he was ever my friend again, which 0.1% chance he'll speak to me ever again, i can't say that when he talks even if it's insults, saying that i don't feel something would be a lie. 
My boyfriend knows all of this and i don't know if he accepts it as i would want him to but, i can't ask that of him, now can i? :) He is my boyfriend after all. 

But i guess, i can't say i love him. How do i call that? I love him with a love that let's go? I guess. xD 


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