
I thought why i stopped being open in my blog... i don't remember.
I find it hard to believe that a group of people can make you SO paranoiac?
You know that...xD
You know that someone fucks with your brain and trust so badly that you don't know who to trust and when just ANYONE that even says, "Oh yeah i know her/him/them!", you just wanna leave? xD
Jesus, i have.
I mean, no, it doesn't hurt me, it makes me smile.
I just wish i kept the chats and everything but meh, don't really matter anymore, it seriously makes me laugh now.
But i don't make a plan, do a whole game, make up a complete situation, lie.
Those same people hate bullies and say in defense they are... lemme check....
They say they have class.
Take pride in lying and being a player and call it class? Is it really a that sick friendship around?
I don't understand.
If someone could explain i would gladly listen but... i don't think they would have the answers to my question.
How can you lie and not even remember what you lied? You tell me first you fucked a girl, got her pregnant, tell me shit about RAPING,and then come back...say, "We never slept together, what the fuck?". And then your friend tells me she loves the chick and you? Well....
Seriously. xDD
I hope people realize that i am not the fool here for trusting someone about getting raped here and believing till the end. You must go a far away to completely lose my trust. Call it naive, whatevs. Any person would ask themselves.
But you are the fool for lying non stop.
lol,I can't ever be sure who's behind the screen anymore. xD At least, not with people i knew that had connection to the "Swedish group".
Eh... I'll never understand how can you pour lies around and stop for a few weeks and think that's enough. Like all before i forgot. I remember, every,single thing. Oh well... i'll just gadder it all up one day. xD



  1. This was very harsh. What lies?

  2. Harsh but true. I'll make a blog post soon i guess.


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