It's not a sin... if GOD wants it.

Hai guys!
DeanLeysen <--- This guy, this guy right here, is awesome. At least i think. Very realistic and smart. :)
 I wanna comment on one of his videos.
For example; 5 Worst torture methods WATCH IT!
For those who won't, if you keep reading, i'll tell you myself. :) But come on guys watch and you can skip all of the boring reading and just skip to thoughts? XD (Pictures in the video of how it looks).
Anyway, in the video, the title is self-explanatory.

  1. The "Saw torture/Exicusion".

    The people recieving this would be hung upside down, with his or hers legs spread wide apart. What would be done is, they would saw the body in half,starting from their genitals. As i understood, the reason they are hung upside down is because the blood that would run in the persons brain would keep him concious and alive through the process.
    So mostly you'd feel it all the way until it hit your heart. I find this gross and at first i thought it was the worst one of all 5, but maybe not.
    To not explain why i think it's gross, i think that's sort of explanatory. I don't think there's a person that would find this okay and describe it in any other THAN gross and just terryfing.
    I don't know what did you have to do in that time there was this to earn this sort of punishment.

  2. The "Brazen Bull".

    Now this is something that i find is really torture.

    The person would be fit tightly into a statue of a bull and be boiled to death inside. It would be heated from underneath. I think this is one of the worst things because in the first one, there is a possibilty to swoon during the procedure or i've been told. Since the human body suffers the amoung of pain it can, when it crosses the line, your organism shuts itself down. Does that makes any sense? It's like being trapped inside a box and you can pull for hours in each way and there's no way out, only here, your being fried to death. You can scream all you want, but it's burning your organs and there's no way to stop the pain or go unconcious. You just fry and have to scream and fell it till' it kills you. ;-;
  3. The "Spanish Donkey".

    I think, they make a guy or girl sit on top of a wooden wedge. The wedge itself doesn't have some form of spines on it, but it is farly uncomfortable. Mainly the people execution this method would constantly put weight on the legs till the person is ripped apart.
    I seriously don't understand why this,i don't have any valid thoughts about this except just, "Terrifying.". What can you say more? It's just scary. Imagine being ripped apart just by someone stearing you down on something underneath you. I don't think much comments are needed, just imagine it on yourself.
  4. The "Scavengers daughter".

    As i understood thing, you have a ring and it would be tightend around the victim while it's kneeling and it would compress the body. It's like someone pushing you against yourself till your whole body is mostly flat down and your bones are crushed. But you know what the worst part is? What's the worst is that this can make people go insane because it doesn't necessarily mean that you're gonna die right after your bones are crushed. A fact i heard from @Dean. It could take weeks till you actually did, thus meaning you would be tightened into that ring for weeks if needed and go insane. Imagine it? It doesnt sound too bad but when its you... heh, everything's awful

     5. And the last one is, "The Breaking Wheel".

I think actually that this is one of the "Nicest" things they could think of at the time, but of course, don't take my word seriosuly, none of these are nice. I think they would strap a person a wooden wheel and tie them to it or just trap his hands. Witch a hard wooden or metal stick they would break as many bones as they could through the gaps of the wheel, making it harder for the person to actually die. I don't think this was made for killing the victims, just that, torture them and leave them be like that, but maybe i am talking crazy here.

The reason i wanted to do this is not only share this with you readers and for those who haven't seen Dean, but to adress another topic that pisses me off.
I heard a repulsive fact that church was the one who made this sort of punishements and torture methods.
For those who didn't know i am an atheist. I don't believe in the vision of God that people have created. Most of all, i hate church work.
I am not sure if you guys ever heard of this, but there are things as 10 God's Commandments.I don't know all ten but of course, what you'd expect from church and priests to say on the subject of what are sins?
There is one fact, "Don't kill.", that is written in the bible as God's 10 Commandments.

I thought. If a guy or woman on earth, kills, for whatever reason people can have, it's a sin and just wrong. I agree. When they die, a priest won't come to their funeral.
Suicidal people. Those who commit suicide (here), can't expect a priest to come at their funeral.
As it's said here, since God made a human, that suicidal person made a sin and harmed God's work. Something that God made.
But also, when church (known as people who serve God and follow his rules) kills people in God's name, that's alright? No matter what the person did to deserve that, it's alright when God wants it?
This may seem like a logical thing to some people, but atheists will understand. People who believe in and are big believers, ignore this and move on.
I can't express it in English, but in my language, if you speak Serbian, i could tell you.
There is also another topic i would like to talk about but that is not for here unless people want it.



  1. well i truly do understand your views

    while i do believe in a god, i dont believe that he controls any and all life.

    my beliefs aren't actually considered apart of ANY religion because my beliefs are my own.

    and...i do believe you are right, it is rather hypocritical to kill in the name of god when killing itself is indeed a sin.

    that's one reason i never liked or respected the church

  2. No no no honey, killing isn't a sin, when God himself wants it.He's killing "his own 2 days work". :) But how priests know that God actually wants that and who they are talking to... well, that's another story. :)

  3. meh, i believe that killing period, is a sin.

    weather god wants it or not, to end a life is a sin in my eyes.

    but i do see where you are coming from, the priests have absolutely no way to see if god truly wills a person to die so they really have no idea if they are committing a sin themselves

  4. That's because priests work by a pattern that they created themselfs. If you're dressed in a robe and work in a church, everything you do is written off as God's willing, thus making it a complete, simple excuse. But that's my opinion. (:

  5. oh honey, trust me, i agree with you on this one.

    thats actually again one of the reasons i do not go, do not like, nor respect the church of any religion.


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