
Yeah, i was thinking about it. My dad has this colleague at work that's in the middle of adoption. My mom, him and me were having dinner on Friday i think and we elaborated on the subject.
My dad said something that kept me thinking.
I mean, when we just hear the word "adoption", it doesn't feel that good. At least to some. You momentarily think about kids being left alone in orphanages. But when you think about it... the word adoption is wonderful. There are so many kids in one orphanage that can't wait for the day people that work there say that a family wants to adopt them. People think it's an honor to adopt and get adopted. And i somehow agree. Of course, i hate the fact of just leaving your child, but also understand if it was a mistake and you just didn't have a choice or conditions to raise it. I hate people who know they wouldn't have conditions but don't watch out anyway. That is just reckless and gross. You ruin your own life and the baby's life.
But wanting to adopt a child, for whatever reason you may have, is just great. At least that's my opinion. To be able to love a child that's not entirely yours and are able to call it your own, is the biggest love.
I said that for kids it's awful when they find out. But again, after i thought about it, i came to a different thought. At least for older kids.
If the child someone adopts is over 4 years old, it's easier for him to understand that it isn't his real parents. He can somehow remember even little parts of it.
But for adopted babies, it comes as a shock when their parents decide it's time for them to know. It would come as a shock to anyone. But also... some kids don't even get that.
Most cases are that there is a fight when it's just found out. At least from what i saw and heard. But everyone at the end realizes that your real family doesn't need to be blood connected, but that's it's who took you in as your own and loved you. But that's my opinion.
That colleague wants a boy and he's on habituation as we speak. I think it's great. I might be young to talk about this, if there are people who think that, you're probably right. Does anyone have another opinion on it? Please let me know. If you have another topic you want me to elaborate on, tell me. 


  1. i think adoption is a wonderful thing and truly believe it is a better option than abortion.

    it not only allows the child to live, but it also gives the child a chance to have a life that the parent may not have been able to provide.

    i myself would like to adopt atleast one kid because it feels like the right thing to do :3

  2. I agree. I only support abortion when the woman is too young to even give birth. But then again,if you're too young to give birth, you're too young to even have sex. =n=


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