
Showing posts from November, 2012

Make up your mind.

Alright, i`m a bit annoyed with this one person that i ditched awhile back. He was a friend and i ditched him for my own reasons. Don't matter. I got a friend request with a message entitled "You were right...", today. As i recall, you did something, fine, i don't care what. I really don't. But i`m annoyed that he goes to one person and then to another the way he wants, just to have... SOMEONE. It doesn't work like that. If you have a friend and you love him or her and you want that friendship to last more , don't go all negative and turn to me, then delete me again. What was his purpose? What the fuck? I really don't care for this guy, i'd probably just ditch him again if he said anything against this other girl. But seriously, either make up your mind or don't move at all. It's getting annoying. 

A new story maybe..♡

Good morning! Or good evening/good afternoon to some. I just woke up and it's 11:35, awesome. :) Anyway, when i just woke up me and my mom were talking and she suggested something for a new story. I think it's awesome! I just may do it but it will be a much much longer story, with much detail. At least, that's how it should be since it's a pretty un-real story. :D I love writing teenager stories, i can relate to them more than others. I haven't read many books so i don't really know how to express myself or find the correct words, but i think some liked "Conflicted" rite? I mean, if anyone read. ;_; Anyway, yeah! Maybe a new story coming up but not like, tomorrow. It mite take a few weeks. I'm excited. :) 

25 Random questions!

Do you have any pets? Yes, i do. I have 4 lil kitties and two big ones. A mom and the lil kitties older sister. :3 They are black, two lil ones and two snake color ones. :3 Name 3 things that are physically close to you: My tiger notebook, glass of coke and a little mirror. :)  What's the weather like right now? Cold. ;_;  Do you drive, if so, have you crashed? I'm 15, i don't have my permit. :)  What time did you wake up this morning? Around...11:30. :)  When was the last time you showered? Last night. :) What was the last movie you saw? "LiarLiar".  What does your last text message say? "I'll see ya soon.". :)  What is your ringtone? Well, for calls, it's  Down by Jay Sean ft Lil Wayn . And for test messages, just some random Samsung sound. :)  Have you ever been to another country? No, i have not. :)  Do you like sushi? Eh, i've never tried it but it doesn't seem too hot. xD I've got really bad reviews on it


Yes! My mom bought me a new jacket! It's black and it's for winter. It's really warm and it's belted so it's fitted. :3 It doesn't stop there, she bought me a new wallet. It's one of those long wallets, if you know what i mean. Eh... It's like this and you put your money in and it stays...straight? I guess.  Only mine is black and it's not firmed. She also bought me, i don't know what it's called. In Serbian, it's a "Bolero". But anyway, it's white and with narrow shirt's it looks so festive. :3 And... she bought me a bra , but let's ignore that fact. xD I`m most excited for my jacket. I used to go home from my mom's place every Sunday. I would come on Friday afternoon and get back on Sunday. Ever since something new came in, a train that goes thru the city, i go on Monday mornings and get to school on time. I wake up pretty early, around 5:30, and it's always freakin' cold and i don't have that goo

May not have an A.

I know school is one of the most boring subjects i can write about but having an A in English class is very important to me. I always had A's in that glass, ever since 3rd grade when we just got the language. I've always liked it and i have the talent i got from my mom. English just sticks in my brain. I learned most of it at age 5. At least how to say it. If you can believe, i haven't TOUCHED my English books ever since 2nd grade. From 3rd to 5th grade, maybe just to learn a song that we were learning. I remember, "Toby the tiger" was always the title of our books. Anyway, i never even touched it. My English teacher, saw that when we just started 5th grade. I never learn the "rules". "Rules", because it's a literal translation. My teacher saw that and just went with the flow with that fact. This year, there is a specific rule with Past Simple,Past Participle and Past Perfect. With "had" and "hadn't". It's a r