"What makes you beautiful".

Okey! Nothing much hapenned today! I had a Serbian test today as well. Did really good, hopping for an A. I did all of the question and there were like 30 of them. *n*
I have a test on Friday in English but  i am not to worried about that, i am getting a B,A there. :3

Oh! I am listening to a song i recently started liking! Probably going to get hate for this but yes, it's from One Direction. So what? It's an awesome song! :3 Very teenager like and cheerful! it's called "What makes you beautiful". Also very inspiring :3 All girls in my class, besides one, aren't really that crazed fans about 1D. Actually none of them are, including me, but we ALL like this song. xD
There is one that's crazed about them and Justin Bieber. Ljubica. All thou it's a bit fake but meh. I like Harry mostly! In my opinion he's so different from the other guys, and has the most beautiful voice :3 Especially in that song!
I use ":3" alot too. >w<
Anyway, i like him the most aaaand, -checks-.....Louis? :3 Yeah him. Niall isn't much. c:
ANYWAY, no, i'm not crazed. I just find them fun. :3
 Anyway! That's all for today! have fun guys!


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