Serious head issues.

My friend showed me the link of the chick, and she made a new blog on the same blogger i did. And i'm a stalker?  How the heck does she know i call her "the chick" if she hasn't seen my blog herself? Should i change my nickname for her? I have a nickname too! Isn't it cute?! :3 Anyway, i guess some people just don't learn or realize certain stuff. :3So, today was cool! I got a C in german and that's a huge sucsses for me at least. I'm really good at English but not at German, i just don't like it. I was going to report the Sebastian dude as well, i know that she knows him, i have proof from my friend Ethan and screen-shots. Haven't showed them to anyone yet and i am not really sure why i would, since he really did think i was scared. I was not. I laughed while in a call with my boyfriend and he somewhat laughed with me, but he was amazed how that dude sounded like a 13 year old. An opinion that most of my friends share. Well i just want to say now;
  • I suppose I will stop with the "attacking" as she calls it. Mainly because she's doing what she said was wrong and she does it herself. I don't really find this normal behaviour, especially from the Sebastian dude. I haven't Spread any rumors, my closest friends know and one of my closest friends is someone that used to care about the chick  and he needed to know and he doesn't anymore. Not really my problem that my closest friends are actually people that most bother her at the moment. But seriously now, her blog her stuff, i'm done with her in general,i mostly find stuff out from my friends.
  • I guess a somewhat "warning" and decision. I am done with her,i just wanted my friend 'Poroner' okey and Ethan to know what happened and i got what i wanted. You seriously need to be careful. Things might not appear as they seem. <3

NOTE!!! ; 'Warning' in a way to just be careful. I am not saying she's a psychopathic freak that will kill you instantly but come on, is it normal to defend anyone with saying; "I must say i dislike cunts like you! I think that ppl like you should be brutaly murdered by your own intestents, I would cut open your stomach and strangle you with your own intestents, Or maby rip your spine out and feed you with it, i really hate you for all the reason i have..." and so on.  
"So what? I'm glad he's got my back.". If this is something normal and what you say on a daily bases, congratulations. I feel sorry for you and your true friends. I am sorry, but i had to say this publicly. There is no other way. No matter what reasons are to hate someone, you just don't say that unless you either have a really serious problem or you're just 10. <3
Again note, It still made me laugh but for other people...well yeah. ;)


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