Long-distance relationships.

  • Long Distance Relationships. 
Why i want to talk about this topic, because i am having some friends just getting into these sort's of relationships and when hard times come, they have no idea what to do or start coming with conclusions of ending it right away and somehow i can't get them to understand when i say it all in once. Long-distance relationships are obviously harder than real, 'normal' relationships. There are a few ways of thinking and looking at them. Every way has it's own good and bad side.

  • Of course, there are the skeptical kind of people. Who don't believe in this sort of relationship. Think similar to this sentence; "That sort of relationship isn't real. It's just a twist of hope and dreams. It can't get you anywhere and it's a waste of time. You can't kiss each other, you can't see each other and people who are in love need that". Of course there is that kind, that will always discourage the ones that do believe that it can be brought to reality. But opinions can change, but it's sad to say but true, that most skeptical people like this, can bring people who do believe so down about it that they stop trying. And that is very sad. If you don't believe it, don't push it in their face. If it's a parent, you can't really expect anything else , but if not, say your opinion. And if it does end and it wasn't something big, it's needless to say "i told you so.". I would slap you. It's hard enough that he/she found out for her/himself.. If it doesn't, it's your choice, but i would suggest to watch out with what you're saying. 

  • There are people who get into those kind of relationships thinking, "Eh, it's not going to last for sure but what the heck.". Those kind of people shouldn't get into that sort of relationship at all or any for that matter. If you're going to be skeptical about it from the start and not give it a chance even if you really like/love the guy/girl, then better not start it at all. 

  • For people, who meet people over the internet, talk to them, get close with them, and feel like they just may like him as more than just 'online friends', it isn't something to be ashamed of at all. Most people can't or don't want to admit something like that happened. It can be for any number of reasons; friends, family, embarrassment, anything. If you feel like you can sustain a relationship like that, just chatting, talking over Skype and seeing each other on camera or if possible meeting after a certain amount of time if you are able to, then why not give it a chance? If you feel like your connection with that person is something you don't want to lose, or you feel like it's something special, give it a chance. But you can't give up on it so easily if it goes somewhat far. But a warning; once in a long-distance relationship, that lasts longer than 2 months and is love involved, if you get hurt badly once and it ends; In your next one, if you get hurt again, you won't look at it the same way. It will be much harder to relax and give in as you did in your previous ones. (From experience.) 
For long-distance relationships, you need just that, faith, hope, pure feelings and of course, acceptance from both sides.  If one believes in your relationship and the other half thinks, "Come on. There are like really small chances we will meet or going to last.", the relationship doesn't have meaning. If you both work hard on it,on making it reality if the conditions you have allow you to do so, then you just may end up with kissing and hugging them and grant that need for people in love. Of course, they get hard, people have a hard time dealing with the fact that they can't just walk to their partner or kiss them whenever they'd like, like if they were in a real-life relationship, but if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend that understands that and you two are like best friends, you will get pass that quickly. I'm saying all of this out of experience. I've had long-distance relationships, and still am in one. I for one, had once a real-life one. I have my own opinions about long-distance ones. I was also a skeptical person when it came to this, i was all negative about anything that was related to it. Then, i just got onto this site, and just  merely talked to people over it, and became friends with them. I met people who were just in a long-distance one and started to change my opinion. I thought, "Oh... maybe they are on to something...Hm.". Not long after that, i got into my first long-distance relationship. I can't explain to you how i felt. Just like i was in a real one. The only hard times where, when i would get anxiety attacks when i missed him. Thru time, there were more, and i know it sounds like i dated 5 guys in a week, no. x) 
They were short, but for other reasons. My longest one is 7 months and it's still going. <3 
The guy i was before this, hurt me and disappointed me too many times. Same with my current boyfriend. Before we got to our 5th month, i can tell you, i haven't cried once. He hurt me badly once out of circumstances and he made a huge mistake, and now i have a hard time sometimes adjusting again. 
I do apologize for SUCH a long write, but that's just how i talk. The only thing that is easier about long-distance relationships, is dealing with the pain if it wasn't love. It's much much easier, as logically seen. Now, that doesn't mean that if it is love it still isn't hard. Believe me, it is just as much. It just depends on how much you've shown and how much it was given. 

The bottom line is,a  long-distance relationship, isn't the most meaningless thing in the world. Nothing to be ashamed off. It is possible to be brought to reality, it's not often but it's possible. And your family,friends, cousins, enemies, could just be the ones to experience it while you/your friends are  being skeptical. The key in them, is to find someone with whom you can talk to like with a best friend, and when the hard and pain times come, just talk about it. The pain that people go thru in a long-distance relationship and the missing,  the anxiety attacks, can be just as hard and bad, as they can be in a real-life one. :) You just shouldn't give up if you truly love and believe. :) 


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