
Showing posts from June, 2013

WE are not your lovers, we are not your friends ♥

We are not your lovers, we are not your friends. ♥ Created by gravyboat and taken 483 times on Bzoink My first survey in a long time. I hope you enjoy. What month is your birthday in?: April. :3 How many serious relationships have you been in?: 2. Do you think you have a vivid imagination?: Not reallyy... What was the last song you listened to?: ''Come and get it''. How many hours a day do you spend on Facebook, if any?: I don't know... i used to 0, but now, it goes from 3 to 6 XD Do you own your favourite film on DVD?: Who uses DVD's anymore :D Do you listen to Mayday Parade?: No.. What is your best friend’s name?: Kristina <:3  How was your Christmas break?: Booorin'.. I thin Do you have trouble falling asleep at night?: No, not at all :D Name a song which reminds you of your childhood.: Idk o.o What did you have for dinner yesterday?: Cake :3 Are you on a laptop, desktop or phone/iPod?: Laptop :3 Do you have any secret hiding

Scary Natural Phenomena

Dean made a video for 5 scariest natural phenomena and all of them truly are scary and terrifying but two made me shiver. Spider trees!  Oh my god, this is so disgusting. -.- And it HAPPENED 3 years ago. Apparently after some flood in 2010 In Pakistan, spiders started massively migrating into trees and encasing entire trees in spider web, containing millions of spiders... This means that each tree was completely wrapped in webbing... I'll show you. Imagine standing under that... That's millions of spiders. Million and millions of spiders...spiders in the number million... crawling... Get it? EW... Dean said it was more of a good thing than bad cause it helped combat malaria but increased the population of UN-NEEDED mosquitoes... For things like This, I'm glad I'm In Serbia, terrifying-poisonousness-bug/insect free... and floods/volcanoes/tornadoes and all of that city-destroying bullshit. Sink holes.  This scares me cause, imagine falling into

A Christmas poem

As this wonderful year draws to an end, I send this note to family and friend; So thankful are we for blessings galore, Like Charlie’s fiancée. A lady, not a whore... And young master Jake is growing like a weed, He makes us all proud. Not a waste of my seed. He tried his darndest in every class And made 10th grade by the skin of his ass... And our sweet mother Evelyn had a small operation, Her ‘secret garden’ needed rejuvenation... And what about the author of this Christmas poem, He’s healthy and happy in his beautiful home. And while some will argue that he’s just a leach It bothers him not, he lives at the beach. Happy holidays from the Happy Harper’s :33 Charlie's reaction; You’re sad, pathetic, lonely and blue. If I gave a rats-ass, I’d worry about you. :3 The The <33

Let's clarify a few stuff.

I want to answer a few questions I usually get asked or things that somehow people don't get about me. I will not leave another friend just because you and someone else don't like them even if i hang out with you.  Get that. I will not leave Susan, just because Annabel and Chelsey don't like her. I have no intention of walking away from Susan if you see me talking to her and it isn't crossing my mind to tell her, You know, Annabel and Chelsey don't like you so i can't talk to you. Just, no? I am the idiot there if i do that. I am the puppet, I am the weak idiot in Susan's eyes. Why would I do that myself, especially if I have an okay relationship with Susan? Why? I don't see a good reason. I have plenty of time to organize for all of you. I used the names as an example. I will not be gentle and try not to hurt someone if they already fucked up. A have a problem with a girl in school because of this and a few days ago, us 3 we were all in one