
Showing posts from January 25, 2014

Brand spankin' new questions.

Brand spankin' new questions. Created by mickey-mouse and taken 2547 times on Bzoink


Should've known these walls would cave in. Should've never left my heart there on the line ,  'cause when the shit hit the fan all we ever had ended up lost in the fire. And now nothing's saved, nothing's gained. Was it all in vain?  'Cause I'm standing in the eyes of the storm and everything I've known is blowing away. I'm caught in hurricane. I'm leaving here dead or alive and I know that i'd be willing to feel the pain if it got me to the other side. 'Cause I only hurt , hurricane.  Yeah I can feel it hurt, hurricane. Remember how we were, we really were before this disaster came and tore us apart? It was the two of us, that was enough. The two of us, so in love. Till the wind of lies , the rain of cries , lighting strikes. And now we're standing in the eye of the storm and everything is gone. Nothing remains. I'm caught in hurricane.  I'm leaving here dead or alive and  I know that

Day 25; Tell us 5 places you wanna visit

Oh my god! There are so many many many places! :3 You guys all know how I was obsessed for a time with Kalel and Anthony and because of them, I have grown a wish to visit Tokyo! Or Japan in general but Tokyo specifically! Why... 'Cause it's so awesome! A few places that are absolutely beautiful and the culture is nice, everything is so awesome! I am not that big of a fan of anime and all that stuff, but I do adore kawaii stuff! :3 One of the things I would LOVE to visit is a specific thing in Japan and that is... are you ready?!  The Wisteria Flower Tunnel! Oh my god, it is so pretty! :3 I would love taking a walk under there! Also!  The Hitachi Seaside Park! This looks kinda creepy but beautiful! I wouldn't know what to do here honestly but take a walk and listen to music, it's so freaking majestic! One of the things I love about Japan!  Okay, so Japan/Tokyo is first! Second is England/London! One of my biggest fears is to go on the famous 'London eye&#