
Showing posts from February 25, 2013


Oh... i heard the most ridiculous thing today... GUYS.  HEAR ME OUT.  EPIC NEWS. VERY IMPORTANT. Celebrating Halloween is a sin. -.- STOP CELEBRATING! Do you understand me? Do this, or otherwise Satan will bring you to his side! ... Fuck. you. I hate those sorts of bullshit. -.- Why is it a sin? It's said on the internet from a side of some dumb 'doctor' that he REALIZED out of NOWHERE, oh my god! That on halloween kids were stolen from the side of Satan and brought to the dark side and if not killed and never appeared again. And that Halloween is the day that Satan was born... -.-... I have no comments. STOP CELEBRATING! The doctor says so... You have to believe it right away! A man went into church so THAT MUST mean, his heart is pure! Rawr! -.-

Winter? - Sad

Ok... i realized something this morning. I was happy when i saw good weather is coming, the winds, the sun... the whole weather screams "Good energy!"... just like spring. Ever since winter started, i know i've had problems, but even after i got over'em,i was upset almost ALL the time. I don't mean to say that winter is my problem for being sad/depressed, just no, that's dumb. But i mean, if it's winter and i get upset for a good reason, when i look outside, it's dark, everything's naked, the trees, all of it is dead. Nature. It's harder for me to get better when it's like that... if i'm upset, i feel really bad. Ex; i feel like my life is crap and i'll never get out of bullshit,it's hard for even to try when i see no energy outside... Do you know what i mean? I'd look outside and like, the world is "always" going to be like this.. lifeless and dark and how am i supposed to think otherwise when i'm depress