Oh my god! There are so many many many places! :3 You guys all know how I was obsessed for a time with Kalel and Anthony and because of them, I have grown a wish to visit Tokyo! Or Japan in general but Tokyo specifically! Why... 'Cause it's so awesome! A few places that are absolutely beautiful and the culture is nice, everything is so awesome! I am not that big of a fan of anime and all that stuff, but I do adore kawaii stuff! :3 One of the things I would LOVE to visit is a specific thing in Japan and that is... are you ready?!
The Wisteria Flower Tunnel! Oh my god, it is so pretty! :3 I would love taking a walk under there! Also!
The Hitachi Seaside Park! This looks kinda creepy but beautiful! I wouldn't know what to do here honestly but take a walk and listen to music, it's so freaking majestic!
Okay, so Japan/Tokyo is first!
Second is England/London! One of my biggest fears is to go on the famous 'London eye'! o_o Jesus, but I would conquer this fear! London is by its own so beautiful and interesting! The buildings, how they're formed, built, THE PEOPLE. I would love if I could spend an enough amount of time so I pick up on a little of their gorgeous, sexy British accent. :3
So many beautiful places... The Buckingham palace! One of them as well!
I can only imagine what it's like on the inside, I mean look at this!
The third place is Germany!
Do I even need to say more...? It's such a beautiful place, the people are awesome. I don't like their language but oh my god, the cities, the country itself is wonderful and full of wonderful traditions.
All of the castles in the country! ;3
The Hohenzollern Castle, the castle in Bavaria... Oh my god, I forgot the name. The Neuc-something castle... Neuschwanstein castle or in English, The New Swanstone castle! The Charlottenburd Palace! :3
The famous street in Bonn! Oh my god, I found out about this a few days ago even!
When everything flourishes! |
When it's most likely other seasons, but it's still beautiful! |
It's so freaking beautiful... Germany is freaking known for its castles and palace's, everything in there is with a lot of style and kingdom style styled. If that makes sense... but you'll get me. THE BLACK FOREST! Oh my god yes! I forgot about that! :3
I think everyone expect this! France, all together!
The Eiffel tower, Arc de Triomphe, The Louvre museum, Disneyland and all the rides, Chambord Castle; Val de Loire, the beaches, sea! Many other things and the place itself screams BEAUTY AND ROMANCE.
The Eiffel tower |
The Louvre museum |
Arc de Triomphe |
Chamborn castle! |
The sea! |
And the fifth! GREECE! With any luck I will see their beautiful beaches next year!
But oh my god, every time someone mentions Greece, I can't not think about the time of Zeus, people using a nail and a hammer to carve down words into a stone, old sculptures of buildings, famous warriors, of the the Greek Mythology gods! Especially Athens!
The beaches are gorgeous!
The White town Lindos in Rhodes Islands |
Santorini! |
Oh my god! Odeion of Herodes! |
The Parthenon! |
Everything of this amazes me! :3
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