My style.

A fellow asked, what style am i? That's a good questions. And to be very honest, i wouldn't know what to call myself. I'm a teenager, so i can't have a determined style. It's... bipolar? Same with my attitude and emotions. I think most of you understand. Alright, let's start from the beggining. Clothing! I used to be this, very hyper, positive and kind of sportsy girl. I live my life in jeans, and i loved sneakers. I loved tights, pants or trousers. That cool and calm style. Most call it sportsy. I usually call it simple. I don't like dresses that much or shorts. I think i don't have the thigs for that... i know that sounds girly and dumb but true. I have hips and it just doesn't... look that good. Jeans, a nice shirt, some nice jacket and sneakers, that was me. :) Mostly like the first picture. I had long hair, and i like my jeans to look nice. So yeah, that, simple look. Not too expensive or too fansy. :) That changed...