I don't know. Everyone in my school, at least my class friends keep saying, "I can't wait to get out of of here!", "This school is so ugh!", "I can't wait to grow up and get out of here!Go to higher schools!". I don't get it... all i want is to go back to 1st grade and learn what 2 plus 3 is. ^w^ It's 22 right? :3 No jk, i know it's 5. =v= But seriously, with next term coming closer i keep wanting to go back. One day we'll look back and cry, at least i will. It's hard for me to say goodbye to my school and friends...but i know that times flows within' seconds. I'm not saying i get those, "uuuuh! I hate school! Come on classes! Be over!", moments, let's be real you're going to miss it when it's finished. You'll look back and wish for just 3 more seconds to sit in your class chair. ^w^ But that's my opinion. :) I know i did.. I cried when i got to 5th grade and finished my 4 years wi...