
Showing posts from October 7, 2012

Friendships do last.

I am a bit cheerful right now. :3 I am right now talking to a guy i've known for a year and and two months now, i will not say his name. I'm glad we still talk and yeah whatever, i said to i wouldn't, so what? I wasn't going to delete or block him for nothing. ;P Anyway, i do hope we keep talking thou. (: He's a great friend. I haven't talked to him in over 9 months and we started talking yesterday. We didn't talk because there was some drama and problems and fights but i guess all of that somewhat faded now even thou there are still memories. I know that things won't be probably ever the same again, but talk is talk, it's something :3 And no, i don't want to be with him or anything,i have my babii <3,  i just care about him. And no, it's not a friendzone- fuck, are girl-boy relations so complicated XD shesh XD 

Hating on celebrities.

Alright, i want to talk on this subject because i recently noticed a lot of people talk about it and i myself have been thinking about it. A person i know has her own blog as well and she posted a blog-entry about hate, on Justin Bieber. I know that just me saying what i am about to say will not change anything about the whole situation, like what? I'm just one girl out of a thousand haters. I am not a fan, i am not a hater. I don't really follow his work or music, but i do like to hear it sometime and i do respect it when i hear his song play. I don't understand people who are all like "AUUUUGH! LET'S BURN JUSTIN BIEBER!! FAGGOT!", "OH YOU'RE SO GAY! AUGH! GIRLY VOICE!" and so on. Like, what are you doing? What are you going to gain with it? Do those people like, have any idea how that sounds to people like me? It sounds so childish and immature. I understand that some people don't like his music, the sound of it, the lyrics,whatever, but

New to this!

Alright! I made this blog just for funz. Why Blue? Well i am known by that and don't ask me where i got it from. xD Anyway, i cannot say exactly what i will blog on here or if i will even remember it! I am new to this thing and i don't even know how does it work but i'll get into it i guess. :3 Some info about me? Not much to say. (: I'll see you all later! ^^