
Showing posts from January 1, 2014

Anger Management

Thanks to Poroner, as usual, I have found about something awesome! All of you know I love Two and a half men and I have grown VERY FOND of Charlie Sheen. I was sad when I saw he wasn't in the show anymore, the part suits him more, but, now I don't have to worry anymore. Apparently he started a new show, Anger Management I had no idea about and it's only up to maybe, 40 episodes so that won't be hard to catch up too. ^_^ i absolutely love hearing his voice again that hasn't been repeated over and over. (Like when I replay almost all 8 seasons of TAAHM #Obsessed). This show is about, from what I understood from the few episodes, Charlie's character - Charlie used to have anger issues and somehow became an anger therapist. When he realizes his anger issues are coming back... well, I'll have to keep on watching. :3 I watched the trailer for the show and there is so much irony going around, it's insane. The trailer is him walking on a train track, the t

Day 1; Post a picture of yourself and ten facts about yourself

Straight hair (natural) Curly hair This might sound stupid but people tell me that a fact about me is that I am undefined. I'm an atheist.  I'm Emotional. Far too sensitive (Mary told me this)  I'm quite short, but I have no one to gain height from in my family. I'm flirtatious by nature.  I don't know if this can be a fact about myself, but I don't give up easy on my friends. Even though it may seem so, I'm always around on my own. I philosophize a lot. (Mary) I have an amazing immune system and by nature have very good skin, yet take advantage of it to the fullest by having a very unhealthy life style with food and sleep schedule.  I wear glasses.  I have a unique set of eyes, that have this, somehow green-yellow combination with a touch of brown underneath. It's beautiful. :)  It is mine, for real. It is not edited in anyway absolutely. It was taken on a beach, my lashes are wet. :)

Happy new years

Yeah. Awesome. :P