
Showing posts from January 28, 2014

Day 28; A photo of you as a baby

I don't think I can do this... Not as a baby. But cute little me! :3I think I was 3-4 here... I don't know exactly but Im adorable! I've been told I look like a girl baby Harry Potter... ;_; Yey!

Refreshing my memory a little bit

Yes! I just had a sudden urge to visit PewDiePie's vids... And I was like... You know what? Not the new vids, I can watch those whenever and I have, every single one just, no. I want something old, the old Pewds. So I headed WAY back. 3 years ago way back!  When I first started out watching Pewds, I know my favorite playthroughs were definitely Amnesia; The Dark Decent of course, Penumbra Overture, Penumbra Black Plague and Nightmare House. :3  I can't choose from those but it is so refreshing watching some of these. Right now, Penumbra: BlackPlague - Part 2 - PENIS MONSTER! is in the background and it just ended. So part 3 - PUZZLE parts o_o!  Pewds looks so different!...Younger! And he has more blondie and more stylish hair! It is so nice! I've always loved Pewds and I remember I freaking CRIED, I CRIED GUYS when he posted his I'm on a break! video... I freaking cried and got pissed. Gad.  Usual Marija with her obsessions...