Come and be miiiine
Come and be miiiine Created by magvey13 and taken 14 times on Bzoink What are you doing at the moment?: Answering this, talking to the creator. :3 When was the last time you were kissed?: Mmm, like, maybe ten minutes ago! :3 Ever heard of Omegle?: Duuh Do you know someone named Christian is your life? Would you be with him?: Mmm..nope. I mean I don't know anyone Do you know someone named Michael in your life? Would you be with him?: Yeees, yes! Do you know someone named Josh in your life? Would you be with him?: Nou.. Do you know someone named Alex in your life? Would you be with him?: A few of them actually.. Mainly yeah! My brother is a no no no no. :3 Do you know someone named Joseph in your life? Would you be with him?: That sounds like Jesus.. No Do you maybe know someone named Marco in your life? Would you be with him?: Marco? Like Marko? I do and yeah! Not really a question, but i'll be checking, don't worry :) When you first kissed a guy, wh...